Review - Nicholece K Garner
demo CD for "the Firecracker" EP

The lights dim. The audience falls quiet. The band starts a smoothe jazzesque intro while the spot falls on the gorgeous blonde a little left of centre stage. Meanwhile at the other end of town a dance club is jumping to the almost-jungle beat of a brand new tune that the crowd is yet to learn was created in Melbourne's working-class inner-west.

Both audiences are getting into the sounds of "vocalist, songwriter, cool chick" Nicholece K Garner; a talented musician whose work is just as comfortable in the smoky bar-rooms, ecky-fueled dance-raves or acoustic folk-venues, and whose primary stock in trade, her voice, is a happy mix of Chrissie (The Divinyls) Amphlet and Kate Ceberano.

Nicholece's newest work is The "Firecracker" EP, a culmination of months of work most any artist would be familiar with, but none more than Ms Garner. From the electronic pop/funk ode to the roadside local-council sign-twister with unbelievable production effects, to the slowish yet slinky jazz-oriented closer, Nicholece shows a small sample of where she's at during this last year of the millennium. While Never Enough, a quasi How Bizarre with Chris Isaak low-down guitar-work would be addable as a single at either TripleJ or Austereo (2Day, B104, Fox, etc), either Hasty Boy or Judas Kiss would be picked up by the easier adult-oriented stations.

The "Firecracker" EP from Nicholece K Garner - a small and colourful display of thee array of talent brewing in this "funky bubbling melting pot"

PG (Jacky) Gleeson


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