Review – Christine Toseski “Second Skin”

single through PK Music


Those of you who are still watching Home & Away will be familiar with The Robertson Brothers who sing the opening theme song. They are label-mates for a young fifteen year-old who, since the age of 11, has been doing big things on the talent-quest circuit. Here, on her new single “Second Skin,” she shows how she has been placing and winning in these comps.


Paul Kneipp has brought Christine out as a remarkably mature woman with this song. Second Skin is a bright and poppy track from a young girl with a remarkably strong voice, but I’m not sure that the subject nature is befitting one of such an age: it tends to lack sincerity or life-experience… like a covers-artist mouthing the words to that oft-heard Classic Hit.


And speaking of which, Phil CollinsTake A Look At Me Now (Against All Odds) was chosen as the backing-track to this single, with two other remixes of the lead track. But age should never be a barrier… I mean, look at Leanne Rhymes! I’m sure that once you get over the fact that you’re listening to a 15 year old (who was actually 14 in the studio) you appreciate the bright and healthy future this lady has, beyond the Vegas Lounges and talent quests.

PG (Jacky) Gleeson

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