Review - Testeagles “B-Sting”

EP on Krell Records through Shock!


Adelaide is a town whose music is known to occupy the heavier and/or darker end of the genre scale, from Mark Of Cain at one end to In:Extremis and the likes at the other. Somewhere at the Mark Of Cain end, with many a leaning toward the extreme end, are Testeagles and their new EP “B-Sting” on Krell Records through Shock!


Those bands on this scale must get totally peeved at being compared to Mark of Cain, one of the best-known bands and sometimes seemingly the only alternative act out of the City of Churches. Here on “B-Sting”, though, in the lead/title track, Mirror, Death in the Midday Sun (Live at Triplej) and the closer Wise Up, Testeagles seems to be wanting to be the next Mark of SA. On Preen, however, their own sound is created but the influence lingers.


Hard Core, hard rockin’ serious chunk comprises this 5-track EP. There is no wonder these guys are getting the amount of work they are. Definite “3 Hours of Power” and associated Metal-based programming-fodder«««

PG (Jacky) Gleeson


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