Review - Ten Foot Pole “Insider”

album on Epitaph through Shock!


Combining the elements of today’s better punk artists (Green Day, Heatmiser, Frenzal Rhomb, The Offspring), Ten Foot Pole out of San Francisco have created something again, and quite well too, on their epitaph album “Insider” through Shock!


From the opening lead-crackles and feedback of Getaway, Ten Foot Pole have moved away from the anger and despair favoured by some punk purveyors. They have focused instead on aspects of their lives than make it enjoyable, but it’s not just girls, cars, sex and partying! There’s plenty of that here in Officer I Swear She’s 19, Nothing To Lose, and I Got Your Letter, but the lyrics and music are not just three chords over some screaming: they’re meaningful, thoughtful and entirely credible.


Ten Foot Pole “Insider” on Epitaph through Shock! is one of the outstanding releases of punkdom so far this year . Given the exposure of the bigger Epitaph acts, their time, too, will come ««««

PG (Jacky) Gleeson

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