Review - Raised Fist "Fuel" album on Burning Heart Records through Shock!


There's some pretty depressing stuff going down in Sweden, and much of it is coming out of Oberö on the Burning Heart label. The heaviest, loudest and most angry of all this has to be on the Raised Fist album "Fuel" through Shock!


Here we have four guys, a drummer and bassist (Oskar and Andreas) belting out the rhythms and creating intricate riffs and hooks for a guitarist (Marco) who seems to be able to play in only one key; all for a vocalist (Alexander) whose style varies only in intensity! Together, with some 59TTP, Rage Against The Machine (especially Killing In The Name during Monument) and some early Metallica ideas, "Fuel" pulsates through 11 tracks of emotion that ranges from despair to hatred and deep, deep anger.


Not happy stuff, if that had to be said, but then not much of this Swedish hardcore appears to be. The kids seem to lap it up, though: when you're in the midst of a seething mass at front of stage, all you really need is volume, chunky guitars, volume, intricate double-kick drumming, volume, and some heavy bass riffing. As far as "Fuel" is concerned, anyone could be screaming anything and it would be just as convincing ««

 PG (Jacky) Gleeson


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