Review – INSpite unmastered demo


If I was forced to drink either muddy water, West End or Southwark, watch second-rate AFL and be the constant brunt of east-coast jokes I’d be pretty pissed off too. That would be the only reason I could give that such full-blown slammin’ rock has come from SA for so long. The newest example of the aforementioned aural assaults has just released a three-track demo – introducing INSpite.


Pride in their professional attitude is one of the many traits that make INSpite stand out among the crowd; that and their intense live performances. This has been proven by their placing in two recent band competitions, including the Riffind Music comp. If you’re into System of a Down (Access might be your Chop Suey while Don’t Sink is more Innervision) or Mr. Bungle then you’re sure to be wanting to hear more from these guys!


INSpite have only been around for a year but insisted on staying in rehearsal until they got it right. Now all they have to do is get the CD right in post-production and they can count themselves among the successes of their SA colleagues in no time.

PG (Jacky) Gleeson

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