Review - Element “Fox”

CD demo


After Music Reviews posts a CD review on the internet, we send it on for addition to a couple of community radio programs around Sydney. One of the programs to which we used to contribute returned the favour by giving us CDs to review that they’d received for addition.  Element “Fox” came to the office courtesy of that program but the inner-sleeve info on the band is very limited: suffice is to say that there are five of them in the band and the drummer is the contact person.


So to the CD: three tracks. Two of them in the same vein as Tea Party or Sydney dark-rock outfit Jigsaw, and they like a 5-6 minute descending-three-chords basis (given that two of the three songs are performed like this); the third, Pig, closes the single with a shorter rock-effort in a more up-tempo and some more and different chords.


If after you have listened to a CD from a band and you still find yourself asking about them, that CD has failed. I see that Element like things heavy, dark and not-too-short, but it may be that the CD was a recording early in their career and they felt they needed to get something out: best to have waited until you had more to offer, guys. It’s the production standards that saved this outing! If they could come up with more of a repertoire for their next outing, I’ll be a happier music writer.


Element “Fox” CD demo: not broad or deep enough musically

PG (Jacky) Gleeson

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