Review – The Band Convinced “2001” EP

On Positive Outlook Records


Formed in Karlstad, Sweden in 1996, four-piece + vox outfit Convinced introduce themselves to us here down-under by way of their eighth release, simply titled “2001”. A four-track EP, it holds nothing back in any sense, yet is not quite what you’d expect from that part of the world, given the Burning Heart etc offerings of late.


Written by brother & sister singer / guitarist duo Joakim and Jessica Johansson, the basis of this music is driving and distorted guitars. They combine a sound akin to 1970s power-rock-with-keyboards with that which was coming from Western Australia in the early 1990s (ergo the three Shades of Perth compiles and Footprince, as examples).


The Invitation opens the account with a Black Sabbath / Deep Purple styled riff, complete with a hint of Hammond. The chorus lyric “Get a life, fuck that style” is quoted on the side of the jewel-case as a hint toward an attitude that seems to be left wanting at the end of the day. And while the rest of the record features more Tommy Iommi / Ronny James Dio distortion guitar-breaks akin to a lot of the guitar-heroes of that time, this record seemed to have a reverse-effect compared to other releases i.e. the more listens the less likeable. It’s early-90s Australian pub-rock but it leaves the listener feeling that there’s that je ne sais quoi missing.


They must be doing something right because Convinced are constantly touring. Maybe Jessica makes for a pleasant presence otherwise lacking in music of this ilk today; her vocal style certainly fits in. Overall, while it’s hard and driving, it seems lacking in the sincerity you usually get from this genre. ««

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