Review - Miles from Nowhere
@ Bar Broadway Sydney, 24 Feb 99

It's a real pleasure to watch a band go through their paces and not have their music reach through the speakers and smack you in the head! Miles from Nowhere are a four-piece acoustic outfit whose close harmonies and not-so-quiet amp settings make for a very pleasant evening!

I'll admit that not even the Immedia! advertisement where I learned of these guys prepared me for what was in store for the showcase of their new blue jellybeans EP. When the set launched with Two With You from the 1997 debut EP of the same name, I found myself looking forward to the rest of the next hour or so. MFN have obviously specialised in vocal harmonies and in so doing have come to excel in the field.

Standout songs from the night included Feigning, Pelican Bones, Inside Out, Little Sister, and their interpretations of David Bowie's Space Odyssey, Paul Simon's Late in the Evening and his & Art Garfunkel's Feelin' Groovy a-capella. It is a pity that they played to a rainy road-choked Sydney Wednesday otherwise I'm sure many more than the handful that braved the conditions would have experienced this performance «««««

PG (Jacky) Gleeson


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