Review - Zanicka + Mother Cat + Lab64 @ Green Square Hotel 20 Aug 99


"It takes a lot of guts to get up and do a solo set", saluted Jason of Mother Cat toward Lab64, whose well-sung but out-of-tune opening set was our third greeting from the Green Square Hotel. The first was five Japanese in blue overalls and white galoshes, probably some Uni stunt, the second being the Door Nazi from Hell. Unperturbed, we stuck around through Lab64: a guy who sounds like a mix of Dave (Megadeth) Mustaine and James (Metallica) Hetfield with a real dark view of life, one-armed hecklers, learn-on-the-job sound guys, and a small but loyal and gothic-styled following.


Our live introduction to Mother Cat came after a lengthy set-up break. We were warned earlier that while they love to rock it up in the 'burbs like the rest of them, this was going to be a more laid back affair. What followed during the next forty minutes was a combination of late 60s and early 70s rock and blues and 90s hindsight, with smatterings of Allman Bros, Skyhooks, Ross Wilson/Daddy Cool, Cream/Clapton, Doobies, Thorpie, Sabbath, Zeppelin, as well as Pearl Jam, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Tea Party, Grrrumble, and the promised quieter moments as available on their current 'Out Of The Bag' demo.


Stand-outs from tonight's set included the Micky Dolenz/Don Henley inspired It Takes Time with Pat on vocals with the Phil Collins headset, the beautiful 'yes we can do them live too!' harmonies on No Release and the hard rockin' closer Mr Universe. The sound-guy wasn't as cruel to them as they were to themselves with the excessive volume for the size of the room, but FOH-gear failure let them down just as badly. Tim (is that an intentional Frank Zappa look?) could probably do with a little more top-end in the Gibbo-driver as well. Mother Cat are a top band to catch in a good room.


We couldn't stick around to watch Zanicka - apparently Satan's Gatekeeper was from their camp. We'll wait for the movie...

PG (Jacky) Gleeson

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