Review - Welcome to Campbelltown tribute
@ Lansdowne Hotel, Sydney 18 Feb 1999

Ahh the Lansdowne Hotel... how we've long missed your indie/alternative nights, your avant-garde cutting-edge new music! So what was the expected response to our learning that an honoured and respected group of avant-garde cutting-edge new-music purveyors would be honouring a country music great in a night of retrospective reverie?

You were thinking 'Nahh - give that a wide berth!' weren't you!? Well, there seems that not a few fans of avant-garde cutting-edge new music would agree with you, given the turn out for the Welcome to Campbelltown tribute at the Lansdowne Hotel last evening. And never a more star-studded group of avant-garde cutting-edge new music purveyors were assembled in these hallowed and sacred halls for what was essentially a cover-music night with sprinklings of originals to suit the mood: The Brothers Murphy, The Youth Group, Golden Rough, Tim Rogers on his pat (Was this the launch of his solo career maybe?! Perhaps yet another reason for kicking yourself for not having your butt bar-side!), Jodie (Clouds) Phillis on her pat, Spurs for Jesus, and Jason Walker guesting on pedal steel and the occasional telecaster here and there through the night.

Stand-out performances included The Brothers with Where's The Playground Suzie and Help Me Make It Through The Night, Youth Group with By The Time I Get To Phoenix, and Spurs for Jesus with their boot-scootinest, country-&-westernest and by far the loudest set of the night. Their's was also the largest collection of tributes to The Great Man, including Galveston, Country Boy, Try A Little Kindness and the big winner Rhinestone Cowboy which I'm sure everyone was hanging out for!

Tim took a song or two and a false-start to find his voice and unfortunately for Jodie, Golden Rough had already snavelled that song for which she is more recently best known Wicheta Linesman (I preferred her version anyway - your mind instantly recalling those close-harmonies for which Clouds were famous). False starts also plagued a couple of the other artists but in all it was an excellent night: one that would surely have been sorely missed by those non-attendants!

PG (Jacky) Gleeson


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