Review - Lunar Sea Boatmen + The Confusion + Sweet Bamboo
@ Three Weeds Hotel, Rozelle 12Feb99

If ever I walk into a so-called originals venue and the band is attempting a song by Dire Straits or any other over-played 80s outfit, especially if they’re doing it badly, I will walk out of the room until they have finished their set. Sweet Bamboo were, so I did.

Returning for the next band, I found the room surprisingly empty by comparison to the previous band's crowd. A covers audience exits at Rozelle? Who knew! The Confusion performed one of the quickest change-overs I have seen since Homebake, transferring the acoustic stage to a Marshall-driven three-piece outfit set ready to totally rock da joint! Theirs is the all-American look with NYC Baseball shirts, backward baseball caps and a drop-dead gorgeous blonde who sings like a mix between Pat Benatar and Gwen Stefani.

This is suburbs- or regional-country rock but just poppy enough to have featured on Triple M fifteen years ago (or today, to be honest). Dave's guitars could do with a little more dirt and a few more effects, and the overall presentation could improve with some sessions in a practise studio rather than the garage. The songwriting will benefit from listening to more than the aforementioned radio station in order to gain a little more depth and Helen could get a little more grungier in her outlook to match that cool tat!

Overall, the stage show is as though the band has been together for many years (three of them brothers and the obvious Helen/Darren relationship thing makes that a certainty) and they completely enjoy what they do and who they're with. The future is big for The Confusion in the West and out in the country venues, despite the claim that they never do covers because they "always fuck them up"… «««

It turns out that much of the crowd that formed during The Confusion's set was there for Mr Purdie and those lunar seafarers. If that is the case, they would have been prepared chronologically for what was in store but not sonically. Ian's lead-break in the opening song, Prue's overall vocal strength, projection and power and the dauntless rhythm section of Brian Subkey on bass and Peter Fitzgerald behind the kit, set the musical tone for the evening.

The interplanetary thing wore very thin after the second reference although I know it does fit in with the debut album title. After a while I found myself watching a cabaret act with the quasi-humourous banter between songs, and three young musicians supporting a guitarist that appears to be making a late comeback. The music, however, was as expected from the debut album with standouts that included The Rain, Evolve!!, Reach Higher (the Sydney Olympic theme-song hopeful), Lunarsea, Meet Minced Meat and Narcissus. The sound was just-OK but the lighting was piss-poor in the very lest, with the focus right out of whack and the fade-outs not coming back up when anyone started to talk again.

My rating varied from 'when can I leave' to 'hey I like this one' to 'shut the fuck up with the alien thing already!' From the excellent debut album to the OK follow-up, this performance is a further step backwards for the Lunarsea Boatmen. ««

PG (Jacky) Gleeson

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