Review – Amanda Easton “Celebrity”

Single launch @ Fox & Lion, Fox Studios, 11Oct00


Amanda Easton is one of my favourite artists at the moment and so it is no wonder that when I received the invitation to this auspicious occasion I pulled out all stops to ensure I could be there. It was set to be an early night, but even at the stated commencement-time there was quite a crowd.


The Fox & Lion inside the new Fox Studios complex at Moore Park is a great new venue for Sydney. The quasi-Art Deco stylings lend themselves to a great night out, as was the case here tonight. The vibe was right-up with all the friends, family, press and punters who attended this invitation-only event, and as expected, the girl of the moment was as-nervous-as! The nerves quickly faded as the night’s MC got up to introduce the warm-up act, the video for the new single.


Celebrity simply screams Video Hits: it has the dance-beat, it has the look, it has everything – even real instruments; guaranteeing success with all viewers (both those who watch avidly and those who watch and wait for something decent that is not R&B, boy/girl ‘band’ or Britney). And didn’t the audience love it! You wouldn’t know that the song was written two years ago – it’s as fresh and with-it as today, with all the hallmarks of a pop classic. Fan~#%$^%&~tastic!


So then came the lady herself to accept the accolades and get the show underway. Dressed in a fashion that some might say is simply Amanda (i.e. – less is more), she, Mark and Dave started proceedings with a semi-acoustic version of Wonderland, which in itself rocked in all its almost-unplugged glory. Soon the rest of the team took to the stage and it was into what turned out to be a disappointingly short show, which included two more (rousing and oh-so-popular) renditions of the new single. From my vantage point next to Alex but not quite in Dave’s amp, everything looked and sounded so polished and professional, and most in better spots would agree – when I saw them last in May, they didn’t have the backing-vocalist, and Alex was going the falsetto where necessary… this actually gave the act another slant, but it was a completely different venue and vibe, and tonight’s show was something else entirely.

Amanda Easton, with influences include Garbage, Alanis Morrisette, Madonna, Skunk Anansie, Suze de Marchi and Shakespeares Sister, is tomorrow’s Pop Princess – the world is ahead of her and will surely be dancing to in no time at all. How could you not dance to it?! Here’s a little something I found on a website with a couple of other songs which you can live-stream through Real Player - “Amanda Easton is a pop/rock singer with powerful voice and infectious melodies, treading the line between Top 40 commercial and alternative. Lyrically, many songs see Amanda with tongue firmly planted in cheek, but at other times, achingly sincere… She plays with an impressive live band that continues to garner glowing reviews…Someone to watch out for...” Indeed – bring on the album!!! «««««
                                                                                                                                                               PG (Jacky) Gleeson


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