Review - Freyja with Rebecca Rennie

@ The Snake Pit, Neutral Bay, 4Feb00


In a corner near the front door of a small restaurant located in mid-town Neutral Bay, a small combo was set up around a striking young singer. She was performing her heart out to a typical jazz crowd in the post-dinner ambience that is the lower North Shore. Rebecca Rennie was that singer, accompanied by Gino Pengue on nylon-string guitar and Junichi Shiomi on 6-string bass and the song Take The Child, from their “Freyja with Rebecca Rennie” album was rounding off the first set. By typical-jazz-crowd I mean more talking than listening, but the no-holds-barred musicianship on display here tonight would rival that at any venue, any time, anywhere.


Becc is going through some fairly major changes at the moment – she’s headed mid-year to London to live, but right now she’s headed to Montreux (no smoke) to attend the annual jazz festival by personal invitation (major kudos!); her new website is mere days away from going online and the album that quickly pended in my review of the last recording is mere months away from release. This is not quite nouveau-jazz, and not quite traditional jazz either – it’s a meld of funk, blues, pop, latin and Spanish influences that make this trio come alive. While they are limited with just the two instruments Becc’s stage-presence, performing to everyone like it were her biggest show ever, and the three’s enjoyment of the work at hand as well as their individual abilities more than plugged the gaps.


Set #2 soon started, and while the room emptied quite quickly, those family, friends and supporters who remained were treated to another half-hour of excellence. The second song of the set, JJ Cale’s After Midnight, was a super-extended funked-up version that featured several lick-trades between Gino and Junichi and a fade or two for measure. Without A Trace was another stand-out with Gino playing the piano score on the guitar, and the surreal beatnik Allen Ginsbergesque Don’t Bother Going Home rounded out the set beautifully.


Pissheads will aways try to either help or heckle, with or without a sense of rhythm or timing, but professionalism will always prevent the deserved rebuttal, unless it fits the piece being performed and the target misses the reference completely. The night finished early for Becc as she headed home to pack and then to the airport, but not without premiering another new song and leaving us with a half-hour of instrumentals. Sydney’s music scene will be less for losing Freyja, so any opportunity to catch them live before you can’t is rare and getting rarer!

PG (Jacky) Gleeson

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