Review - Various Artists “Songsalive! Songwriters to the World”

CD Sampler #2 on Indigo Moon Records


Songsalive! is a non-profit organisation for the promotion and development of up-&-coming songwriters, with links to people with similar tenets in Europe and the States. “Songsalive! 2” is the second in a series of such compilations, an idea that started earlier this year with its debut, but it is not your average animal bear as far as these things go!


“Songsalive! 2” is a collection of 18 songs by 15 songwriters based in Sydney and LA, and includes contributions by the Songsalive! executive Roxanne Paladin, gilli moon, Greg Robinson and Stephen Kiely. The musical range of the songs by these and the other 11 artists varies from country, nouveau-pop/West Coast, alternative, rock, ballads, from experienced performers and new starters alike.


Your typical “Smash Hits XXXI” or “Chart Toppers LXV” has a couple of hits, a couple of misses and a dog or two. “Songsalive! 2” has no dogs, no misses, but the hit potential is amazing! And like any compilation there is something for everyone (except dog lovers!) with stand out tracks including gilli’s Naked, I Wonder Where You Are from Carina Norlund, and the hit pick of the disc No Tomorrow from 14 year old Lama Kisirwani!


Contact Songsalive! to find out more about these and the other artists on either of their compilation CDs. A number of the songwriters represented here have their own work available through the co-operative, as do other artists on the Songsalive! books. A good many of the musicians whose work we all enjoy today didn’t get the start that Songsalive! offers - with the support of music buyers over the world, the artists here on “Songsalive! 2” will be given that chance.

PG (Jacky) Gleeson

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