Review - Troy & Scott Dann “Bulldoggin’”

single on ABC through EMI


I must admit that I don’t like the TV show “Outback Adventures”. The soundtrack built up a series of stories about life in the bush on a big station but turned out to be very corny. Unlike Les Gittins who has something interesting to say, or Rex Hunt who has turned a not-so-riveting topic into a winner with his unique presentation, “Outback Adventures” seems to be a home-made video show with nothing new to say and an uninspiring way of saying it. It may have been what they were going for but is not the type of TV we expected.


But the question arises “How do you pan a release by a couple of guys who ride rabid bulls for the hell of it??


Troy Dann, the man behind and in front of the series, teamed up with his uncle Scott on a tune from the series soundtrack, the latter of which I thoroughly enjoyed! The new single itself, Bulldoggin’, is everything the program has turned out to be. Like on the TV show, the music is top-shelf (you expect no less from the team of Porter/Buchanan at the pen and McCormack/Meyer/McCormack/Rose/Punch in the studio) ably suiting what the series is trying to achieve.


Bulldoggin’ from Troy and Scott Dann on ABC through EMI - a big miss HH

PG (Jacky) Gleeson


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