Review - Tania Kernaghan "December Moon"

Album on ABC Country through EMI Records


A fine collection of songs from the second of a family of music stars whose name has become synonymous with country music in Australia. This is the best way to describe Tania Kernaghan's debut effort "December Moon", brand new from ABC Country on EMI Records and the first Sounds from the Street contribution for 1996.


The album opens with the current single Nine Mile Run, a fun ditty about the local swimming hole nine miles out of town. Then follows the first single Boys In Boots describing Tania's almost-fetish for men who where Blundstones and nothing else! Where The Murray Meets the Darling is a girl-meets-boy-and-gives-her-heart-away kind of thing, followed by the first B-side The Verandah: a tune for those moments spent on the swinging chair on the front porch. Stand out tracks include the singles, as well as Trouble, Breaking My Heart, and Leave Like a Man.


This is a family album as much as it is Tania's: Fiona wrote on nine of the thirteen tracks, Lee makes a vocal and writing appearance or two, and of course Tania co-wrote the majority of tunes. And the playing credits - Jeff and Rod McCormack, Colin Watson, Mick Albeck, Garth Porter (who also produced the record), Mark Punch, James Gillard: names that pop up everywhere and add to the gem that is "December Moon".


Talent is what drives this family with no exception at all - we've awarded ««« for Tania Kernaghan's "December Moon" album on ABC Country through EMI Records: a great way for those labels to kick off what promises to be a great year!

PG (Jacky) Gleeson

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