Review - Graeme Connors “One of the Family”

album on ABC thru EMI


“One of the Family” is an album of surprises - a name as big in AOR and country, even making an appearance on a kids’ record or two, has now combined all of these sides and more to create a very interesting, light-hearted... heck, even loveable collection!


With all but two of these 15 songs his own, Graeme Connors shifts effortlessly from the oz-folk of St Marys Fair to the Big Red Car”-esque All I Want For Christmas is the Rain, from the AOR-cum-Christian flavour of One Child is Born to the fun of Greedy Guts.


As a reviewer, one often feels it necessary to pick, pan and scan a record, searching for the highs and lows. But this one, from the lead track through the fun, feeling and family togetherness created by this 15-track gem, “One of the Family” is deserving as an early Christmas gift to yourself and to anyone else you know who was a kid just once in their lives! HHHHH

PG (Jacky) Gleeson


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