Review – The Drugs “Bold & the Beautiful”

Single on BMG through Rubber Records


Out of Rivo on Melbourne’s Rubber Records comes this week’s most requested song on Request Fest, The DrugsBold & the Beautiful.” Irreverence is always a winner when it comes to comic acts, and these guys shtick it to as many institutions as possible, with Aria-award nominations as kudos. Brushes with barristers, on the other hand, are the downside, as the run-in over their former logo with their current ‘employers’ can attest!

As the title suggests, B&TB is a pisstake on the popular daytime soap, but with a listen to the rest of the record, it’s a pisstake on TV in general, as only The Drugs can, and quite often do!

During their stab at Daytime TV they also have a look at the growing popularity of talk shows, with a snippet from Tonight Live with David Live Tonight which includes a go at Don Walker’s No Sense, or “we’re-from-the-Western-Suburbs-what-sort-of-band-would-we-be-without-a-Chisel-cover” in the context of TV shows will play anything.

The Drugs: don’t say no to these ones, although they can mess up your mind just as bad as the other ones. “Bold & the Beautiful” on Rubber Records through BMG êêêêê


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