Review – Little Murders “First Light”

album on Swerve through Blah Blah Blah


Just like Richard Vidler and The Bloodloop Beautiful with Troy Horse in Sydney, Rob Griffiths in Melbourne has a band The Little Murders and a record label Swerve. Which came where in the equation is irrelevant in both cases, but the similarities end there as far as the album “First Light” from The Little Murders on Swerve through Blah Blah Blah is concerned.


Twelve tracks over about 37min are what you get on this very folkesque record. Over all there are very strong WPA, Paul Kelly and Luna influences with Archie Roach, Go Betweens, GW McLennan, Chocolate Cake, Pogues/Shane MacGowan, and Muttonbirds stylings crossing through and between folk rock and alternative country genres. While it is not an uplifting album, it is one that would fit comfortably in the background behind dinner or a quiet night at home. Alternative/community/college radio here and overseas would probably take to Good Good Love, Andy Warhol Perspective , Leave at First Light or No Girlfriend No Drugs on the up-tempo side of the record, while Stars Still Shine, That’s The Way…, or Twelve O’Clock sit at the other end of the scale.


Some records grab immediately, some you know will grow on you after a few listens. “First Light” from The Little Murders on Swerve through Blah Blah Blah is of the latter «««

PG (Jacky) Gleeson

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