Review - Hoolahan “Chapel Lane”

single on Ivy League Records


Wayne Connolly strikes again, this time with Hoolahan and their "Chapel Lane" single on Ivy League Records.


Live, Hoolahan have that jingly You Am I-at-Newtown thing happening, and while it is still either You Am I, Glide or FiniScad in places on Chapel Lane it is definitely radio friendly alterna-pop that keeps Hoolahan headed on the next-big-thing wave of inner city music.


Both Chapel Lane and Cardsino have definite Connolly hallmarks which continues through the Live at the Wireless recording by Leah Baker of Bells of Yoko. It will be great to catch a full Hoolahan show or album if this is what we can expect. ««««

PG (Jacky) Gleeson

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