Review – Cradlemint “Cusp”

Independent EP


I had the privilege of having the review for Blendin front of me while I was re-keying the review for Cradlemint’s self-titled debut from about 1995. Researching a band for a review takes many shapes and forms… here’s a different angle on retrospection!


The Smashing Pumpkins sound from Cradlemint remained through the initial as well as title tracks of “Cusp” so in that respect there was no progress from the debut, but there is so much growth between here and Blend, as well as a hint of things to come in the pace and attitude of Underwear (Nancy Vandal, Teddy Sexuals)… There seemed for mine to be an accent on volume rather as most of the tracks seemed distorted on both my stereo and PC, with and without cans, even at low volume. It may have been the one-day recording schedule… but from their press it resulted in addition across national and regional radio and kudos at award ceremonies.


Overall the quality of the songs and recording kept trying to poke its head out from the noise. It succeeded once or twice, but through it all, with aforementioned retrospect, the crossroads in their career made themselves known on this outing.

PG (Jacky) Gleeson

(written July 2000)


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