Review - Cosmic Dreams "Future Renaissance"
independent CD

Cosmic Dreams is a music and spoken-word project for Buddy The Sci-Fi Beatnik, based in Melbourne. The aim of this project is for Buddy to get out of Australia and peddle his wares in The Promised Land (the States and beyond). Buddy is down on life and wants to share this with the world on his independent full-length CD "Future Renaissance".

We first came across Cosmic Dreams through The Big Backyard's "Midem Cannes sampler 1999". Their contribution to that CD was Jealousy, an upbeat retro-electronica rock piece on the evils of the green Deadly Sin. "Future Renaissance" doesn't get better than that (fortunately or unfortunately, depending upon your personal view-point). The CD's saving grace, however, is the instrumentation, especially on Mr Steak (the best song on the record), Being Natural, Cassandra, the musical closer Welcome, We've Been Expecting You and the opener Daydreamer. I actually found myself listening not to the pained/painful vocals, nor to the lyrics that seemed not to worry about working or rhyming, but to the instrumentation. There is an early-80s retro feel to this collection, which would do soo-oo much more with a different vocalist and lyrical reworking.

After the music is gone, there's four very short spoken-word pieces. Again, another voice would work better, but I actually enjoyed them, and that's from one not normally taken by poetry readings. Your Best Friend is actually a cute riddle, but the other three works carry on the feel of the rest of the CD.

PG (Jacky) Gleeson

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