Review – Christ Art Museum “New Boy”

single on Phantom Records


Christ Art Museum, a four-piece hard rock core outfit from Sydney’s North with a moniker that doesn’t give much away as far as what they’re about. They have been with us for not a short while and the few times the name has popped up the mystery remained – who are they? What do they do? Where are they headed? Those of us on this side of the fence will have all doubt removed by the new single “New Boy”on Phantom Records.


Singles today tend to be a wide selection from artists who might release one or two tracks of a different ilk and then add a completely different remix for the helluvit. With a sound akin to Soundgarden here, Horsehead there, a little Tool and a touch of Koяn, the seriously melancholic pace set by the three tracks on “New Boy” sets answers all questions previously raised about CAM. With thanks to support from the hip TV shows and doubtless addition to both the metal/rock shows and the request programmes, more people will soon know the name and have fewer questions about the band. The already-anticipated album will also garner more support from record-buying and gig-going punters on the strength of this release as well.


CAM “New Boy” single on Phantom Records – some serious shit (in the nicest possible way!) ««««

PG (Jacky) Gleeson


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