Review - The Fifth Sun "Cyclops"
independant CD EP

With a cross-eyed & pierced orang utan on the cover, “Cyclops” is the debut EP from south-western Sydney rockers The Fifth Sun. The six tunes on this CD deal lyrically with racial hatred, drunkenness, political hypocracy, Tim Burton movies and selling out morally. Musically, it’s fairly basic solid rock without being too heavy, and vocals bordering close to Bruce (Iron Maiden) Dickenson & Axl (Guns 'n' Roses) Rose. The stand-out track is this next track Derdy Deved: very solid, and the song the band should be pushing.

You can catch these guys in flight on 30/10 at the Collector Tavern at Parramatta, or on 20/11 at 3Weeds Rozelle. Write to them at PO Box 54 Austral 2171

PG (Jacky) Gleeson

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