[This survey and the results originally appeared on a now-defunct website about a year ago.� I have no idea who originally conducted and posted the survey or the results.� What makes it interesting and noteworthy to Invisible Woman fans is that, if you'll notice, the overwhelming majority of the respondents are female!� --PGC]��

If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?

Probably go to places I've never been allowed into before just to find out what it was like.
-Kelsey, 16, Canada

Watch people's daily routines
-Darcy, 21, Canada

Probably play pranks or something.
-Libby, 15, USA

Follow my boyfriend around and see what he does without me.
-Ashley, 15, LA

Spy on my husband...even though I trust him, you always want to know if he really does what he says he does...
-Kristin, 29, WI

I would go around seeing if the people I know say bad things about me behind my back, also I'd sneak into places and take things from stores, also go in amusement parks for free, I'd scare the people I hate by being a ghost and throwing stuff at them and making scary noises.
-Maria, 17, NJ

I will go to amusement parks.
-Judy, 21, NY

Go backstage at a concert, see the people I admire, how they set up a show, and get myself a great seat!
-Marsha, 38, PA

In high school there was this girl who punched me because her boyfriend told her we had sex, which we did not. I'd like to find out where she's living and see what a crappy life she has now. I heard she married the good for nothing creep and they have a couple of kids.
-Mary, 23, CA

I would watch a day in the life of someone I've never met or heard of.
-Velda, 20, UT

I would sneak into a guy's house while some of his friends were spending the night and just listen to what they talk about.
-Sarah, 15, USA

I'd follow people around and explore places I would not be able to get into if I were visible.
-Jackie, 14, MD

Watch a couple have sex and live with my guy buds to see what they are really like
-Shelly, 14, USA

I would spy on people; mostly this one guy I just met
-Grace, 14, Canada

Walk around naked all day.
-Natalie, 26, Canada

What WOULDN'T I do???!!! Except I wouldn't watch people in homes or any other private place... that would be wrong. I'd probably go run around naked, go clubbing, crash parties, stand on top of roofs, go snooping everywhere, become a stowaway on trains/airplanes, cars, etc. Run away from home, Ride the bus for free, howl at the moon in broad daylight, stand around in weird places like the middle of the road when there's no traffic, go bungee jumping with all the people below, go to the movies, and run around in the theatre, etc. You name it; I'll do it
-Crista, 17, USA

Sneak around in places
-Amy, 23, PA

Go to a concert for free.
-Jane, 21, NY

Scare the hell outta people
-Regi, 19, MO

I'd follow my ex-boyfriend around and whimper as he flirted with every remotely attractive female he came across. (Not that I'd want to do that. It's just what I'd end up doing.)
-Adrienne, 15, USA

I'd spy on people who I wonder about. Not anyone that I really care about because that would be really rude, but people about whom I know nothing... or little... I'd like to see how they live.
-Mosity, 16, MN

I would watch what people do. Like what guys talk about in the football locker room or what friends say behind your back.
-Tiffany, 16, PA

I would go around doing stuff like little (but harmless) jokes on people, and they won't know who did it!! Also I'd go see all my friends, just to see what it's like when I'm not around.
-Sarah, 15, FL

I would follow Brad Pitt around all day and just drool!
-Joi, 36, NY

Try to get certain people to talk about me, and then hear what they really say.
-Sarah, 17, MI

Load porn onto the computers at the high school
-Malica, 19, Canada

Go into emergency rooms at the hospital & watch operations.
-Julie, 18, PA

I would take a plane to the US and I'd see what my best friend does for a day without them knowing I'd seen them
-Tova, 20, Australia

Go to comic book store and borrow some comics
-Joyce, 18, NY

I think I would take a look into the lives of all the people who seem mysterious to me in my life, and learn what they're really all about.
-Danielle, 16, Canada

I know it's bad, but I would like to spy on people. But it will never happen so I don't have to worry about it.
-Joshua, 18, NC

Sneak into houses and watch people
-Dustin, 18, CO

Torment the people that bother me the most.
-Stephanie, 14, MI

Hang out backstage at Lord of the Dance
-Kate, 13, OR

Spy on everyone
-Heather, 16, NY

Sneak in sexy men's dressing rooms!
-Angelface, 14, USA

Follow around this guy I have a crush on.
-Rebekah, 19, TX

If I could be invisible (long pause) I don't really know. This may sound weird but I would pretend that my best friend's house was haunted. Throw some plates around and scare him - Only as a joke of course.
-Kriss, 21, Canada

I would follow some of my friends, whisper my name, and see what they REALLY thought of me.
-Lindsey, 14, WA

Be right by Brandi's side in school
-Carlos, 16, CA

Watch friends in their everyday lives
-Kelly, 16, VA

Go to the theater so I can watch free movies all day.
-Kristina, 16, Canada

I'd spy on all of the people who consider themselves cool. I think it would be useful to see them by themselves, and then know what their weaknesses are. I wouldn't use them against them; it would just be a way to reassure myself that they are as fallible as I am.
-Jen, 17, Canada

I would probably go to the food making factories to see if what I eat is real.
-Lacey, 16, TX

Listen to conversations about my enemies and then I would have dirt to spread about them!!!
-Emily, 17, Canada

I would
1. Sleep in
2. Visit people I know and see if they talk about me
3. See how people I know would react to my disappearance
4. Watch how people act when they don't know they are being observed
-Sarah, 15, Canada

Borrow my sister's stuff.
-Joyce, 18, NY

I would go to the guy's sleepover and see what they talk about
-Rebecca, 15, USA

Go looking around on everyone.... Find out some stuff I don't know
-Sara, 16, PA

Anything I feel like doing
-Devan, 13, MN

Spy on my ex boyfriend.
-Leeann, 18, NH

Observe people? I don't know.
-Ginger, 21, PA

I would go in the girls' bathroom and sit down and relax.
-Eric, 13, AR

Skip school.
-Tiffany, 15, MD

I know this may sound pretty bad, but I'd follow my crush around. :P
-Beth, 14, Canada

I would probably spy on my crush.
-Melissa, 14, MN

Follow my husband around
-Kate, 22, KY

Go into people's house to see what they do!
-Heidi, 16, USA

-Danielle, 14, Canada

I think I'd like to go spy on my ex boyfriend and my ex best friend who are now married and see what their life is really like...
-KT, 26, VA

I would sit in on a top secret FBI meeting that is discussing whether or not aliens exist
-Lisa, 26, FL

Sleep; spy on my crush and on my friends.
-Jennifer, 13, VA

Follow the boy I fancied
-Dani, 13, Ireland

I would pull pranks on all of my friends
-Sarah, 13, USA

Sneak into my crush's house (Kyle who is a fine bloke) and spend a day with him! Or see videos for free!
-Victoria, 14, England

Where do I start?
-Anna, 29, Australia

Goose girls in mini-skirts
-Joel, 20, CA

Head over to Powerball headquarters and rig the drawing
- Mark, 25, WI

Learn who my TRUE friends are. And what really is said in the BOYS locker room...
-Christina, 16, SC

Walk around naked.
-Danielle, 18, CA

See what my friends say about me when I'm not around
-Ursula, 19, Australia

I would watch people up close, in a way that you couldn't do before or you'd get dirty looks.
-Erykah, 14, USA

Go to my friend's school and spy on them.
-Charia, 17, AZ

Spy on people
-Tiffany, 14, MN

Watch my friends and guys I like to see what they do with out me
-Jessica, 15, USA

Probably follow someone famous around to see what they are really like w/o people around
-Kate, 16, KY

I would go and find *N Sync and get some autographs and stuff like that.
-Tosha, 14, KS

Travel around Melbourne and the world on a Lear jet!
-Sarah, 15, Australia

Nothing out of the ordinary.
-Bernadette, 15, OH

I would sneak around people and scare them
-Moni, 15, Australia

Go to see what my dad does
-Gemma, 15, England

Sneak into my friends' homes and see how they get through the day with out such a spiffy person as myself.
-Theresa, 15, MN

Follow my crush around and maybe follow my friends to see if they talk about me.
-Cassie, 15, NM

A day of revenge. My sister better watch out that day!
-Rob, 18, Canada

Check up on my many crushes
-Amanda, 14, MS

Go into the girls' locker room
-Will, 13, USA

I would probably play practical jokes on many of my friends and just observe what people do around me when I'm not there.
-Catwoman, 36, WI

Steal the finals I have to take
-Laura, 14, NY

I would spend the day with my boyfriend without him even knowing it.
-Christine, 13, NY

Hang out with John Travolta
-Linda, 24, ME

All sorts of perverted stuff
-Sean, 14, NC

Listen to what other people say about me when I'm not there
-Beth, 13, TN

I would probably be very mean!
-Trina, 18, Canada

Go anywhere I might be able to attain useful information like the police station and delete some MIP's off the computer. Also I would scare a couple people.
-Spider, 15, WA

I'd go everywhere.
-Jennifer , 16, Canada

Invade a female slumber party
-Chris, 14, FL

I would go to California and just walk the streets, go to the beach, etc.
-Elisabeth, 13, CO

I would go to the houses of people I know and see what they were saying about me.
-Melissa, 17, Canada

Follow a guy I liked
-Alicia, 14, New Zealand

I would follow my so-called friends around find out what they say about me. (The question is, do I really want to know?)
-Katie, 16, Canada

Find out the real truth behind the lives of people who say their lives are so great coz I don't believe them.
-Aoife, 16, UK

Spend it following my boyfriend to see what he does when I'm not around
-Carla, 19, Canada

Go to my friends' house and hear what they say about me
-Amy, 15, UT

See if my crush likes me!
-Cheryl, 15, OH

I would strut around and make obscene gestures at figures if authority.
-Jason, 17, Canada

Anything and everything I can't normally do
-Crystal, 16, Canada

Whatever I wanted to
-Jackie, 13, NY

Yes, spy on people
-Vanessa, 16, IL

Go in my crush's run.
-Amanda, 14, Canada

Rob a bank? Do cruel jokes on enemies...
-Georgia, 13, WA

Watch the boy I am in love with and see what he does and see if he ever talks about me
-Bridget, 14, USA

Stroll around the down town area and check out all the alleys and places that really don't look all that safe to go
-Sue, 31, Canada

I'd walk around all of the areas of the White House and the Pentagon that are restricted. I'd definitely find out the truth about UFO's.
-Katie, 15, PA

I would go to my boyfriend's house and watch him think about me. I would take all the answers to all my tests at school. I would change all my grades. Take money from the bank. Steal stuff from malls.
-Shannen, 16, MD

Visit my boyfriend in the shower!
-C, 23, Canada

Spy on people.....everyone....I'd just watch everyone. (I'd also like to know if my boyfriend is cheating on me)
-Geena, 17, Canada

Rob a bank / casino
-Nate, 19, WI

Go into men's locker rooms! *L* follow people I like just to see what they are like by themselves. Get revenge on a person or two. Just find out things I am curious about! You ask a question like that and you will get an answer like this... not something to be proud of but completely true.
-CJ, 18, Canada

I would go to my crush's house and follow him everywhere.
-Amanda, 13, KY

Get on a plane and fly to my honey's!
-SunAngel, 19, USA

I would visit my crush and write him little notes, and write like "hey, Ryan, Jami likes you, what do you think?" and keep writing him notes, maybe he would write back, but I would just like to see his response. Also, I would just sit in his room and watch him all day.
-Jami, 15, TX

Spy on people to hear what they really thought of me
-Kate, 15, NY

Get on a plane and fly to Switzerland
-Elizabeth, 20, NC

Whatever I felt like
-Hannah, 14, TN

I would go and party. I would want to see what it would like being another person, or I would just like to feel how it is not to get yelled and have peace and quiet for once.
-Caiti, 14, MI

Pay all my friends an unexpected visit
-Sally, 15, CA

Run the bases at Wrigley Field, then die a happy man.
-Pat, 16, OH

Hahaha, my friends have asked me this question a million times before and my answer remains the same. If I were invisible I'd follow around my ex-bf and umm...lovers or something. Just to see what they're really like and what they really say when I'm not around. Sneaky lil thing aren't I?
-Dara, 15, CA

I would probably go into some of my favorite stores and get all the clothes I wanted. I'd go to the beach naked and get a nice even tan.
-Ronald, 16, CA

I would observe my friends and family and maybe even celebritites! Find out some juicy gossip!
-Molly, 15, SC

I would go into boys locker rooms!!
-Kirstie, 18, Australia

Go look in on people's lives....and run amok. :D
-Emma, 14, Australia

Hmmmm. Good question. I'd find a very public place and "haunt" it for a little while, just to get reactions. Give the local news something to talk about. :-)
-Dustin, 21, OH

I would drive my car around so that people would think the car was driving itself. I would play lots of harmless tricks on my friends.
-Ereca, 15, MN

Walk around and play practical jokes all day long. Then I would find Leonardo DiCaprio, and write halfway cryptic messages on surfaces he was looking at that I like him. Watch him freak out.
-Tiffany, 13, USA

Walk around, see what people were saying about me
-Sara, 17, NY

I would spy on any one and everyone I know
-Dorothy, 15, IL

Rob a bank
-Yolan'e, 34, MA

Spy on my boyfriend and see what he does that he doesn't tell me about
-Andrea, 13, USA

Find out what everyone I know has to say about me.
-Emah, 16, Canada

Follow some sexy guy around.. everywhere...
-Kathryn, 20, FL

Do the whole poltergeist thing
-Emily, 16, PA

Hmmm? Go to my worst enemies house and freak them out
-Kendall, 24, USA

I'd go over to a popular party and see exactly what they do.
-Krystal, 15, TX

Hang out with Aerosmith, since I can never do it when visible.
-Chris, 21, KY

Spy on people I know
-KDAWG, 21, ME

I'd drive people crazy!!
-Krystal, 14, TX

I would visit each of my family members, to see what they were to say about me, as if I weren't there.
-Christy, 19, Canada

I would follow around my boyfriend and see what him and the 'guys' talk about.. I would go watch flowers be delivered to young girls.. I would go sit inside of a gas station and wonder how many people actually buy condoms out of those machines :)
-Steph, 16, IN

First, straight for the guy's locker room. Then I'd travel the world
-Michele, 13, FL

I would do a lot of things I wouldn't be allowed to.
-Susan, 13, Canada

That's stupid. It's not like I could really be invisible, so why waste my thought on it?
-Sheri, 14, USA

Walk around totally in the nude. Maybe fall asleep in a meadow or someplace peaceful
-Elizabeth, 18, MO

I would find out things about people for myself and for my friends. I would also find out things that could embarrassing people that I don't like and my friends to just play around with them.
-Leanna, 16, FL

I would spy on my ex-boyfriend and see if he talks about me.
-Lindsay, 15, LA

Tag along with my boyfriend and see and hear everything he does and says. Maybe sneak into the guys' locker room.
-Shannon, 14, TX

I don't know what I'd do. But I'm sure if that opportunity came up, I'd think of something.
-Callie, 18, Australia

Play tricks on people I don't like!
-Stephanie, 32, Canada

Watch a lot of things that would get my face slapped
-Anonymouse, 30, USA

Steal dirty movies from the video store.
-Kristin, 17, WA

Go and watch my children at school
-Claire, 28, England

I'd go to all my ex-boyfriends houses and search for any embarrassing material I could use against them.
-Chantal, 17, Canada

I would sneak into government offices and look at classified files to try to figure out what the hell all of those idiots are doing.
-Hera, 14, USA

Go around and see all the concerts I could up close, see my friends and what they do behind closed doors, and other snoopy things!
-Faye, 15, VA

-Emma, 10, CA

A lot
-Kevin, 13, IL

I would spy on my friends, and then brag about how I could be invisible and they couldn't.
-Amber, 14, CA

I'd stalk my crush all day long and see what he has to say. Go bungee jumping and it will look like nothing is falling, but the weight would still pull the cord...or go to an amusement park and sit with people who are by themselves on rides and talk to them.
-Liz, 17, USA

I would listen to what other people are talking about without them even knowing I'm there.
-Ashley, 16, CA

Spy on other people, see what they are REALLY like
-Kevin, 23, MA

Look into all my friends heads. See what they are thinking.
-Anna, 13, AR

Look at naked women
-David, 17, TX

Run around completely nude. And I would freak people out by doing odd little invisible-people things. You know, move things around right in front of them, sit on people, eat their food... just fun small stuff so they'll have something to talk about.
-Dana, 16, PA

Play tricks on people
-Jena, 17, USA

I would spy on every guy I like.
-Leeanne, 15, Canada

I would go around and see what my friends and family are saying about me!! I want to see if they really care about me!! That would be neat!!
-Brittany, 13, WA

I would either sneak into the studios at Paramount and watch them film Star Trek, or I would hop a plane to England, find Paul McCartney's house and see how he's coping with Linda's death. (Immature, I know, but such is life)
-Ailis, 15, USA

Hurt all the people who have hurt anyone in my family, and go in the boys locker room and molest my boyfriend (just kidding)
-Athina, 16, ME

Walk around nude
-Andrea, 33, OR

Scare the living crap out of everyone that has a problem with me.
-Minnie, 16, LA

I would probably see what my boyfriend is like when I am not around.
-Jennifer, 17, WA

Depants someone, and visit my crush.(without him knowing, of course)
-Katelyn, 14, OH

Eat all the food I'd want and go places I originally wouldn't go.
-Jennifer, 14, USA

I would listen to what other people say about me, then i would sneak into Disneyland and have a blast!
-Emily, 14, USA

I'd bust prisoners out of jail
-Mike, 15, OR

I'd give my parents hell, beat up all the people I don't like, have fun at a few bars, kiss a few people I've wanted to kiss.
-Melissa, 17, CA

Watch my animals and see what they do when I'm not looking!
-Heather, 16, WA

Go to my friends houses and see if they talk about me
-Joni, 15, PA

Play jokes on family and friends all day
-Judy, 24, Australia

I would do everything I have ever wanted to do but couldn't cause I would get busted!! I would have one hell of a time and no-one would know
-Angel, 16, Australia

I'd go and peep in the houses of people I'd never actually get to meet in my real life. Or maybe I'd just follow shady people around and check out what they do, like the President or Michael Jackson, you know - freaks.
-Ali, 23, PA

Go to the movies
-Lynn, 19, NY

Listen in on what my friends REALLY think of me!
-Ron, 18, Australia

I would just watch people. I like to study peoples habits, and when they are like, when they think that no one is paying attention to them. Just the way that they act, and how they really are, instead of a front that they might put up when they are around other people.
-Lauren, 14, NJ

Get some work done, and not be bothered while I was doing it.
-Carrie, 24, VA

Harass the people I don't like
-Jessica, 17, USA

Fly to Europe and go to the Louvre and touch all the famous paintings
-Caralie, 11, USA

In no particular order.
1. stand in a crowded place tapping people on the shoulder.
2. drive around during rush hour.
3. walk to the beach in a trench coat and bandages and strip when I got there.
-Jack, 20, CA

Whatever I can't do normally, watch my boyfriend to see what he REALLY does when I'm not around
-Julie, 15, Canada

I would go to all the mean people who get ahead in life by lying and record them talking.
-Haley, 15, KY

I would go to all my friends house and see if they talk about me behind my back and I would also go to my boyfriend's house to see what he does all day. Oh and i would definitely go find all my fave bands and hang out with them!!
-Kim, 16, TX

Go into Ben Affleck's house.
-Christine, 19, CA

�would make faces at people I didn't like, and wear shoes and walk around, so all you can see are shoes walking around
-Emma, 15, OH

Spy on all my friends and see what they talk about when I'm not around, or spy on any cute guys and see what kind of stuff they do and talk about, or rob a bank.
-Kristen, 14, PA

Walk around and listen to people's conversations, Go into my neighbors house and find out why they're so weird.
-Katie, 13, PA

I would go in the boys locker room
-Nanette, 18, MD

Write "We're coming" in squiggly, scratchy letters on the chalkboard with a piece of chalk in the middle of my math teachers lesson.
-Rose, 13, CA

Spy on people I didn't like and also on guys I am crushing on.
-Amanda, 17, IL

I don't know, relax.
-Lori, 21, PA

I think that I would play practical jokes on some of my friends, try to see things that I am not at liberty to see, and possibly... get a little bit of revenge on those who have tried to make me and mine unhappy
-Shawna, 24, PA

Sneak into Taylor Hanson's house.
-Bridget, 14, KY

Make the circle at my friends houses and see how things really work when I'm not there
-EmmyLou, 17, OR

I'd freak out my English teacher!!
-Matthew, 15, Canada

Go on movie sets, and find Brad Pitt and find Julia Roberts
-Crystal, 15, TX

Sleep in...watch TV....rob a bank....
-Kris, 18, NJ

Go into as many men's bathrooms, locker rooms, and where ever there are men!!!
-Christine, 18, IL

Spy on my ex-boyfriend
-Farrah, 18, NC

Drive around watch people stare and laugh at them.
-Anna, 16, Canada

Break into the Pentagon...I'm curious.
-Annie, 16, FL

See what guys do while girls are not around and what they talk about
-Krista, 13, TX

I'd shadow President Clinton!
-Jenny, 19, Ireland

Go places I'm not allowed to
-Allison, 35, restaurant manager, anada

Ride the rides at Disney World without waiting in line for hours
-Sindy, 27, CO

Spy on people to see what they really think of me.
-Miranda, 18, NJ

Go to a guy's house and see how they act
-Amanda, 14, LA

Watch what people would think if I disappeared!
-Allison, 13, USA

I would hang out with my husband at work. I trust him 100% I just want to know what he says about me when I'm not around. You know how men are when they're around other guys!
-Shannan, 24, GA

Curse out all my teachers. Rob the mall
-Lauren, 14, FL

I would probably scare people who pick on me
-Ashley (I'm a boy), 13, USA

Go and spy on my crush, sad I know but I really wanna know
-Aoife, 15, England

Spy on everyone and see what they say about and what they do in private...
-Alyssa, 16, NY

Nothing really cuz I don't ever think that would happen
-Joel, 20, TX

I hate to say this, but I would feel very tempted to rob a bank if I was 100% sure I wouldn't be caught.
-Jason, 30, CA

Play trick on my enemies
-Pete, 14, WA

I'd go find my ex and follow him around slapping the hell out of him for an hour or two. He couldn't get away. *grin*
-Ronda, 32, WY

I would tour occupied houses for decorating ideas.
-Debbie, 37, MD

Go to school and tease people
-Jessica, 12, Australia

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