STAR TREK; The Next Generation

"Next To Nothing", Part IV

======================================================================= original story written for The Invisible Woman Story Archive by Doug Graham, KB7RKY, from an idea suggested by Paul Cwick. This story is a work of fiction. STAR TREK and STAR TREK, THE NEXT GENERATION are copyrighted trademarks of Paramount Pictures Corporation. No Copyright infringement is intended or should be inferred. This story copyright (c)2000, KB7RKY. Any similarities to actual persons, living or dead, is purely co-incidental.


A particularly violent ion storm had enveloped the Enterprise, throwing personnel, tools, furniture, anything not bolted down, to the deck. The crew had a very difficult time staying on their feet for a few short minutes.

Even though the actual storm didn't last long, it seemed like an eternity. When it finally subsided, everyone picked themselves up off the floor and regained their composure.

"What the hell was that?" Riker said.

"Unable to determine, sir...main sensors are offline," Data said.

"Damage report," Picard ordered.

Worf checked the intraship sensors and reports coming in. "Warp and impulse engines offline, main power couplings severed, shields down to 20%, phasers and photons offline," he reported. "Structural damage hull breaches. We are limited to short-range sensors, sir."

"Divert auxiliary power to shields," Picard ordered. "Engineering, get impulse engines online now."

Geordi and the rest of the Engineering crew were already one step ahead of the captain. "We're already on it, Captain. Impulse power should be online in a few seconds."

No sooner had Geordi said that when the impulse engines sprang to life.

"Well done, Mr. LaForge. Number One, it seems that we've been expected," Picard noted.

"You'd think they would have at least put out a welcome mat," Riker half-joked.

"Mr. Data, standard orbit. Let's see what else awaits us here," Picard said.

The android officer smoothly placed the great starship into orbit around the planetoid they had discovered earlier. All seemed peaceful and quiet, but Picard wasn't going to take any chances.

"Maintain Yellow Alert. Worf, are the sensors back online?"

"Short-range only, Captain. I am unable to scan the planet's surface."

"Prepare a Class 1 probe...interlink it's sensors with the main computer. Launch as soon as the photon launchers are ready. Geordi," Picard said, addressing the intercom. "How soon can you have main sensors online?"

"Considering that rough ride we took, Captain," Geordi said, over the comm system, "I'd guess a few hours. But," he continued, interrupting the captain, "I'll try to have them online shortly."

In her quarters, Cassie was still gazing out the window, looking toward the planetoid. It was a beautiful planet...almost reminded her of Bajor, with it's deep blue oceans, the lush green continents...

And a rather sinister-looking battlecruiser in orbit just below the Enterprise.

Oh God! she thought. Her mind began to race...shouldn't the captain call Red Alert? She looked again, and guessed it was about 30,000 kilometers from the Enterprise.

"Umm...Duncan to the bridge," she stammered.

On the bridge, Picard and Riker glanced at each other. "Go ahead, Ensign," Picard answered.

"Um, Captain, I can see a rather mean-looking ship just below us."

"Explain, Ensign," Picard said.

"I can't really tell what type it is, sir. All I can see is its looks like a Cardassian Galor-class ship on steroids," Cassie said.

Picard made a note of that.

"Cardassians?" Riker asked.

Picard nodded, with concern. "Can you give us a heading, Ensign?"

Oh great...navigation was never my strong suit, Cassie thought. She faced the bow of the Enterprise, and got her bearings from there. From her quarters, she could easily see the port warp nacelle of the Enterprise, and the alien ship in relation to that. "It's off the port warp nacelle, sir, at about..." she counted the degrees, but with her hands invisible, that would make estimation difficult. "Um, 235..." she counted, "...mark 315, about 30,000 kilometers below us. That's my best guess, sir."

"Confirmed, Captain," Data said. "There is a ship on Ensign Duncan's heading."

"Put it on main viewer," Picard ordered.

The main viewscreen shifted to the location Cassie had indicated...

...and showed nothing.

"Ensign Duncan, are you certain there's a ship there?" Picard asked.

"Yes, sir," Cassie said. "I can see it, plain as anything."

"Data, re-confirm Ensign Duncan's information," Picard said.

"Re-confirming, sir...there is something there. Sensors indicate movement of a ship of great mass...approximately 300 million metric tons. It is at 30,000 kilometers, in a standard orbit," Data said.

"Then, why aren't we seeing it?" Picard asked.

"It may be relative to Ensign Duncan's condition, Captain. It may exist on a slightly different phase tolerance than we are now," Data said.

"Worf, open hailing frequencies," Picard ordered.

The familiar chirp echoed across the bridge. "Open," Worf said tersely.

"Alien vessel, this is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Federation Starship Enterprise. We are on a peaceful mission of exploration." A few seconds passed.

"No response," Worf said.

"Captain, they may not even see us," Riker suggested. "We may be in their way, if they're heading off into space."

"Mr. Data, take us within transporter range," Picard ordered. "Mr. Worf, repeat the hail, all frequencies."

"Aye, sir," Worf said, as Data maneuvered the starship closer to the alien vessel's presence.

As they moved closer, the outlines of an alien ship began to appear...transparent, but unmistakably, a ship.

Picard studied the ship for a few moments. "Number One, ready your Away Team. I want some answers," he finally said.

"Aye, sir," Riker said. "Worf, Data, you're with me. Geordi, Lt. Cwick, meet us in Transporter Room 3," he said, striding toward the turbolift.

Minutes later, Worf was handing out phasers and tricorders to the Away Team. Geordi was programming the transporter for the phase difference between the two ships.

"It looks like there's a 0.0087 phase differential between us and the alien vessel," he said.

"Is Ensign Duncan's condition on the same variance?" Riker asked.

"I don't think so, Commander. We can see the alien ship somewhat...Cassie is totally invisible," Geordi said. He pressed the final button. "That should put us on their phase variance. I'm reading a thin atmosphere over there, but it is breathable. I wouldn't advise any marathon running."

"Will our communicators work?" Lt. Cwick asked.

"They should," Geordi surmised.

"Good. I don't want to be caught with our pants down. Phasers on stun. Let's get over there and find out why we were dragged in here," Riker ordered. He, Data, Worf, Geordi, and Cwick took their places on the transporter pad, as Lt. Graham set co-ordinates.

"Captain, we're set," Riker said, addressing the intercom.

"Keep an open channel, Number One," Picard advised.

"Aye sir. Energize," Riker commanded.

The transporter room lit up in a bright energy and high-pitched buzz, as the Away Team dissolved in a spray of silver-gold sparkles.

Seconds later, the transporter effect faded to the darkened interior of the alien vessel. Everyone drew their phasers and tricorders, and began searching the ship.

"Riker to Enterprise. How do you read us?" Riker called.

On the Enterprise, the communications were scratchy, but readable.

"We can barely read you, Commander," Picard said.

Riker acknowledged. "Geordi advises a phase variance of .0087. That should clear up communications."

The communications officer programmed the variance into the communications array. Instantly, the interference cleared up.

"We can read you better, now, Commander," Picard said. "Report?"

"Nothing yet, sir. We're still looking," Riker said.

Lt. Cwick scanned the area the Away Team was walking toward. "Commander Riker? These readings are definitely Cardassian," he said.

Riker checked the tricorder. "Life signs?" he asked.

"None yet, sir," the lieutenant said, as he stepped forward.

Seconds later, there was a buzz, a hiss, a few short bursts of weapons fire...

...then nothing.


"Pathetic humans. So easily baited into a trap," the tall, menacing alien said, behind the breathing apparatus covering his mouth and nose. His neck muscles flared as his subordinates dragged the Enterprise Away Team into a holding cell.

"Gul Kamet, progress report," the communications array chimed.

"Leggett Hanarek. We have captured a small team of Starfleet personnel, attempting to infiltrate the alien vessel. We will interrogate them shortly."

"What of their starship?" Leggett Hanarek asked.

"We will deal with them soon enough. They cannot escape the artificial singularity we have generated with the alien technology. They are trapped," Gul Kamet said.

"Good. Keep me informed." The comm went silent.

Kamet smirked. "We will show these Starfleet people who is superior. Once we figure out this alien technology, no one will stand in our way..."


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