October 5, 1999

I finally told a few people about my invisibility. I mentioned it to a couple of friends I made on the Internet. They seem pretty understanding & sympathetic, and they seem to like me, but I wonder...  Sometimes I get the feeling they only like me because I’m invisible.

October 10, 1999

I’ve been visiting & occasionally staying with one of my Internet friends. He wants to remain anonymous in case government agents & stuff start closing in on me, so I can’t reveal his name here. But he seems like a real nice guy & he even offered to write a story based on my experiences.

October 15, 1999

I’m getting used to this invisibility more and more. It’s still a big pain a lot of the time, but I’m getting more comfortable with it & am even having some fun with it occasionally. I’ve paid a few visits to some of my Internet friends, having some fun with them, playing pranks on them & stuff. I suppose I shouldn’t do things like that; it seems wrong somehow for me to take advantage that way. But these guys all seem to be pretty good sports about it all & take my jokes & tricks on them in good humor. Anyways, playing tricks on people is kind of fun & almost makes up for some of the hassles I have to put up with.

It is a heady experience being invisible, though. I mean, I’m not going to go off all nuts megalomania like the invisible men always do in the movies. I’m trying to keep my head on straight. But at the same time, I can’t help but think about what an advantage it is and all the things I could do (good things and not-so-good things) with it if I wanted.  It's a little scary sometimes...

October 20, 1999

I’ve been trying to think of some other options I can maybe do, since I still can’t seem to find any trace of the Gannymede company. Maybe there’s another way to reverse this. Maybe my kid sister Nicole can help me. She’s kind of a flake, but she’s also pretty smart.  She was always like a real whiz-kid at science & stuff. Maybe she can help me. I think I’ll give her a call later today, invite her over and tell her the whole story about what happened to me.


It’s now later in the day. Well, it seemed like a good idea. I did call Nicole & invite her over like I said I would, and I told her what happened to me. She thought I was joking at first, and she was laughing. But when I took off my latex mask & gloves to prove to her that I really am invisible, she totally freaked. She screamed, cried, went totally hysterical. I tried to hold her & comfort her, but that only made things worse. I forgot I took my gloves off, so when she felt these invisible hands grabbing her, she flipped out completely, ran off and locked herself in the bathroom. She’s still hiding in there & won’t come out. I keep trying to tell her there’s nothing to be afraid of, that even though I might look scary, I’m still her sister & that I’m not going to hurt her. But every time I try to talk to her, she just screams at me to go away and leave her alone.

***sigh*** Maybe telling her wasn’t such a good idea after all...

October 21, 1999

Well, I finally got Nicole to come out of the bathroom last night after she calmed down. She still acts like she’s scared to death of me, but now her curiosity about me is starting to take over, I think. Anyway, she asked me to tell her all over again what happened to me and I did. Then she wanted to see me be completely invisible. I was a little reluctant to do that, because I didn’t want her to get scared all over again. She insisted, so I took my clothes off. Just as I was thought, she started getting scared again when she couldn’t see me anymore, and got even moreso when I moved stuff around and touched her (which she asked me to do for proof.)  In the end though, she finally agreed to try to help me. She’s going to move in with me for a little while, so she can try and work on a solution.

She wants to take blood samples & stuff and do tests on them. I suggested we do it tomorrow. I sure hope she knows what she’s doing.

October 25, 1999

Finally, a breakthrough! Nicole did a whole bunch of tests on the blood sample she took from me and she thinks she identified the active invisibility agent in my blood. She went into a whole bunch of technical doubletalk about what she thinks it is & how it works, but the short answer is (1), she wants to try and isolate the agent. Once she can do that, then (2), she thinks she might be able to make some kind of antidote to cancel it out or something. I didn’t really understand much of what she was saying, but I tried not to let on. I just hope she knows what she’s doing!

October 31, 1999

Well, this is the perfect day for this! Nicole finally managed to isolate the active invisibility agent yesterday. I thought she would start working on an antidote right away, but she said no, she needs to test it first, to make sure she isolated the right agent. I asked her how’s she going to do that, and she said she needed to try & make a serum from it, and then inject the serum into a test subject. Right away, I had a bad feeling about it...

So today, she made a serum, just like she said she would. Now I thought she was going to inject a guinea pig or something, but instead, she injected herself with it! She turned invisible almost immediately. I got mad!  I told her, "That was stupid! Now we’re both invisible and you still don’t have an antidote!"

And she just kind of laughs, and says, "Calm down. I’ll make an antidote later. Right now, I wanna go & have some fun!" Then she starts taking her clothes off. I have to admit, I think I know now how other people feel when they see me get invisible, because when I saw Nicole disappear into thin air that way, and watched her clothes take themselves off, I got a  really creepy feeling. 

Finally, when she got completely undressed & invisible, she said "I’ll see you later! I’m gonna go out and party!" The door to my apartment opened and closed, and she took off, laughing.

It’s now close to midnight, and she still isn’t back yet. Ooooo, when she gets back home, I’m gonna kill her!

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