March 18, 2000

Since I've been having problems with "Sore Throat" lately (in other words, I don't think I can trust the guy) I decided to ask Nicole if maybe she could come & help me try to find this Gannymede company.  She should arrive a little later this evening.  I sure hope she can help.


March 19, 2000

Well, that was quick...!

Gotta hand it to Nicole, she sure works fast. She arrived late last evening, and in one hour...even less than an hour...

She had Sore Throat angry, packed and gone!

Nicole sure doesn't waste any time, I'll give her that...

How did it happen? Okay...well, she showed up at our motel, knocks on the door, walks in with her bags and junk, right? She starts unpacking. I go into the bathroom, take off my mask & gloves & stuff to get ready for bed. I come out a little while later, and Throat is gone and Nicole is gone. "Where the hell did they go?" I ask aloud, starting to get pissed.

"I'm right here," Nicole's voice says from the middle of the room.

"Where's Al--I mean, "Throat"?

She starts hemming and hawing, like she always does when she doesn't want to answer. Finally, she said that he left. I grilled her some more and *finally* she mumbles something like,

"I was only playing with him, that's all. Just playing some tricks on him. He didn't have to get so mad..."

To make a LOOOOOONNGG story short, the moment my back was turned, she (I guess) took her invisibility formula, disappeared and started pestering "Throat." Pulling stuff out of his hands, pulling the chair out from him, rolling him off the bed & onto the floor, making stuff seem to "float" around the room & fly in his face, throwing blankets & stuff over his head and putting ice cubes down his back. Finally, according to Nicole, he got sore & says something like, "One of 'em's bad enough! Two of 'em--no thanks!!" & took off.

Two things really bug me about this. One, Nicole still apparently can't understand why Throat bailed out. (She's like, "What? What'd I do? I didn't do anything.") Two, *I* can't figure out how the hell she turned invisible so fast. Does she carry a bottle of the stuff in her pocket or what? If so, that's real smart! Suppose it falls out of her pocket? Suppose someone finds it?

And on top of it all, she scares off my contact.

***sigh*** I'm beginning to wonder if it was such a good idea asking the brat down here after all...

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