Developed by Dr. Thomas Jackson
Seven letters, W, R, A, I, T, E, C, make up the Tool Kit.  Each letter stands for a cognitive "power tool" to be used with discretion and care.  Anyone who thinks is aware of and uses the tools sometimes.  Identifying and coming to a deeper understanding of each tool can help turn passive, reactive thinking into active, probing, responsive GOOD thinking.  The tools are sometimes used alone, sometimes used together, helping each other out.  The quickest way to learn the KIT is to USE it!  Whenever you are watching or listening to something, reading, or reflecting, try using one or more or the tools.  You'll be amazed at how powerful a thinker you'll become!

WHAT do you/they mean by ____?
WHAT is missing here?
WHAT have I forgotten to ask?
WHAT is going on here?  What is the problem?
WHAT does this have to do with me?

REASONS (What reasons are there to support what is being said?)
Why do you say that?
*  Can you give a
reason?  Is it a good reason?
*  What makes a
reason a good reason?

ASSUME What are we assuming (taking for granted as true)?
* What other
assumptions might we make?
* How are our
assumptions influencing what we are seeing / judging / thinking / saying?

* What
inferences have we made from what was said?
IF....THEN (If what was said is true, then what?)
IMPLICATIONS (What are the implications of what is proposed?)

* Is what is being said
* How do we
* How could we
find out?

EXAMPLES  Can you think of an example to illustrate what you mean?
EVIDENCE What evidence can we find to support the claim being made?

* Can you think of a
counter-example to the claim being made? 
* For example, suppose someone claims, "You have to be able  to read to be successful."  Is this true?  Can we think of a
counter-example, i.e., someone who cannot read yet is successful?
What do you mean?



Inferences, IF...THEN, Implications


Examples, Evidence

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