
Without a doubt, the most purest, and one of the most bueatifull metres�s of The 21 Divisions is Metresili,( Our Lady Of Sorrows ). Her colors are, pink, white and light blue. Her feast day is the 15 of Saptember. Her drinks are, red wine, champange and red refesco, (pop). When she takes possetion of a horse, she arrives crying with a great sorrow. She is very refined. For her to take possetion of a horse, she has to be the first in the party, as she wishes not, to be present after the other Loas have smoked and drank. Also, in order for her to take possetion, the horse must be clean of sexual acts atleast 3 days in advance, before her taking possetion.

Yet when she does take possetion, the horse must be very clean, as well as the room in which she is in. Afterwards, she asks to make a basin with clear water, florida water, perfume and rose petals if available, so that all may wash their hands befor saluting her.

After she has arrived. she asks for her pink or light blue fula, her jewlery and perfume. She is given wine or champagne in a wine glass, and she asks for a thin cigarret, (Capri). She must have a white rug beneth her feet, (one that has not been used before), so that her feet may not touch the floor. She is then ready to consult if she so whishes, as Metresili only lasts about 5 or 10 min. 15 at the most in "head".

Metresili can be "used"for love spells.

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