
Since I have started learing x86 assembly I have started making little demos to see what I can achive. Making colours show on the screen isn't difficult but I had trouble with getting the strings in different colours and somtimes if there is a line return the attributes aren't applied. This can be really easily made more effiecient but since I have started I haven't figured out how to make it more effeicent but it is less than 2kB so no huge rush

Quite a few programs in x86 are console programs so they will use DOS interrupts. They basically run on the bios and work the exact same but doesn't modify system settings. One that us used a lot is int21h or int10h. You can change the colours using int 10, by moving a colour code into a register you can then change the colours of the console. There are certain codes for these colours. This was designed as a matrix or a colour table that shows off these combinations.

Running on Windows 98

2020 OZFix