GSX250F Across
Maintenance tips & forum archives

   Site online 21 Jan 2002Made in Sydney, Australia

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Welcome to the OzBrickie's Suzuki Across GSX250F website.
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Quote of the Decade;

"I can ride around the Phillip Island GP circuit as fast as anyone. The confidence I need to do this comes partly from skill and machine preparation, but it also comes from knowing everyone else is riding in the same direction, knowing whats around every corner, knowing the track condition (and knowing it won't change suddenly) and knowing that others in the race are highly skilled. Its also nice to know that if I crash, I probably won't hit anything."

"When you're making a decision on how fast to ride on public roads, ask yourself how many of these things apply in your situation. The short answer is none. Think about it!"

-Australian MotoGP champion Mick Doohan from 'The Right Line'

click here to read the letter to Spannerman that this was taken from...

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