That Whole Romantic Atmosphere

Warning:  This page contains SPOILERS for the TV series through TRY. Also contains opinions, which may or not be offensive. 



For an adventure series, Slayers produces a lot of romantic fanfic. Newcomers to the genre of anime fanfic may be wondering why this is so. I'd suggest reading my previous essay (the word makes it rather pretentious, but I like to think it's more thoughtful than a rant) here, as this is meant as a follow-up. 

Actually, all anime series, even the romantic ones, do produce a disproportionate amount of romance fics compared to other genres. I don't think I need to prove that people enjoy reading about romance for the same reasons they like romantic movies, romance novels, love stories, or in some cases, erotica. Also, in most cases, Western fans are way older than the intended audience for the series. (Does that mean that the reactions of the youngest fans should be viewed as the most authentic? Probably not, because they're also not Japanese.)  Most people perceive that Slayers fandom contains an enormous amount of 'shipping compared to other series. 

My working theory, if I recall correctly, was that fanfic serves to provide readers and writers with what they wish the original series provided, but didn't. In the case of Slayers, this lack of romance results from a conscious choice by the creators. Certainly, there is some romance, but many feel, depending on how exactly they feel about romance in Slayers, that it's very subtle and clever, underdeveloped and incidental, or tacked-on and unnecessary. Several reasons why this is so...

1) Most of the time it's not handled very seriously. 
2) Lack of progress in relationships.  The reset button at the end of NEXT, then little progress in TRY. 
3) The show doesn't pretend to be mainly about romance. Does the main plot of TRY have anything to do with any possible relationships between the four main characters? 
4) Romance handled in off-stage manner. So, how did that bracelet end up on Zel's canteen? They don't bother to show us. 
5) No one actually has what would typically be called a "relationship." In other words, no one's dating. Except for Martina and Zangulus.We don't get to see the relationship being worked out the way it would in another anime.  

I think one could argue that the show doesn't seem very interested in the relationships, based on how intermittently they are shown.  Some also feel that the anime series betrays Kanazaka's vision by adding on more romance, in order to pander to the audience, though I disagree with this point of view. Movies of books must be looked upon as adaptations, not just transcriptions, in my opinion. 

Now that you know this, the answer to why there is so much romantic fanfic should be obvious. Because the relationships aren't very well developed, people may project onto them even more. The less one has to interpret, often the more freedom one has to interpret. Most Slayers romance fics involve a lot of interpetation, because they are going where the canon doesn't go. There's so much more filling out to do than a fully realized romance. There's less canon to screw up, more room to invent and finish the story when there was no "happily ever after." 


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