What I Like to See in....


Any Page

1. An informative links section that tells us what the nice buttons go to, and why we want to go there, if it isn't immediately obvious.

2. An appreciation of how many of us do not like things that make the loading time slow/crash our computers.

3. An understanding of how the average surfer, if the page is made for a general audience, finds injokes tiresome.

4. Proper grammar and spelling. If you are a native speaker, you have no excuse. This goes double for fanfic. At least avoid glaring errors.

5. Label sexually explicit material. You don't have to go overboard, but it will save you flak from parents, sensitive viewers, etc.

An Info Page

1. Just get your info straight!!! Be aware what's canon and not canon. Don't make us canon mavens even more disgruntled and vicious than we already are.

2. See above

3. And credit your sources.

4. Make clear what is speculation/your personal theory and what isn't.

A Character Shrine

1. Be canonical. Separate opinion from canon.

2. Separate official pics from fanart. Please. And credit the fanartist.

3. Don't steal fanart/fanfiction. They may not be copyrightable, but it isn't nice. If you like it and the artist is not contactable, just the page it was on in your links section. Also, never, never direct-link pictures and stuff unless specifically given permission.

4. Think clearly about whether you have anything to contribute. What do you have that another webmaster doesn't? This will help you make a better, more interesting shrine.

5. Be original. Tell us what makes this character, in your mind, special enough to make a shrine about. Be aware of what the other shrines have.


Things that I am frankly getting a tad tired of seeing....
(obviously, in moderation these things are not necessarily bad. But many are overused. It's just a judgement call.)

1. Name analysis from kalabarians/whoever. This just seems cheap, and a way to get a section without doing work. I sympathize greatly, but do we really need to hear that an anime character may be suffering from colitis in the future or shouldn't eat too much spicy food because of the number of syllables in their name (or whatever the cgi-script at that website uses) one more time? (Since I don't believe in it, and don't really think it matters whether I do or do not believe in it when saying that it bores me, I will refrain from pointing out that the characters' names are properly in katakana, and that the romanji is just a convention.) I grant that blood type is a valid thing to put in a profile, because of the Japanese belief in it. I just think it's a waste of time to make us see a computer generated text again, based off of something the creator never even thought about when creating the character. Or if you are going to do it, do what some people do and write amusing commentary.

2. Good old stats. Fine the first time, but if you're doing the 100th shrine to this character, then do we really need to see it again?

3. You Know You Like Whoever Too Much When.... I grant these are fun to write, but they can't make your whole website. Often they really aren't too entertaining to read, after the gimmick has worn off. Make them a tiny corner, maybe, but not the third of only four sections, when the others are pictures of the character, the character's stats, and wallpaper. Then you should just call it an image gallery with extras.

4. Drooling:of the fanboy, fangirl, hormone or power or role-model driven and all other varities. Don't do too much of it, and try to be articulate about it.

5. Movies and pics that don't work.

6. Do you need two versions of the same site? Do you need tons of DHTML, pop ups, dozens of frames, etc.? Really? I like a pretty site, but I won't come back if all you have is a nice layout. Remember that style over substance does NOT make it in the long run.

7. Movies (real movies, not gifs) and midis. These are very unpleasant to those with not large bandwidths. Put them in the downloads/multimedia section, not the front page. Or at least give us an option to have them or not.

8. Lots of animated gifs. These are irritating to the eyes in large numbers.

Special Couple Shrine Section

Actually, much of the above applies, so this will be short. Some other notes:

1. Tell us when you are doctoring pics.

Things I'm Getting Tired of Seeing

1. This is minor, nitpicky, stylistic and personal, but I think "the" is becoming overused. (As in, say, a TastusmiXTsuzuki shrine: The Miser and The Shinigami with the Purple Eyes. That sort of thing. ) It sounds pretentious, at least to my ears, and makes the titles of shrines longer. Also it sounds so formulaic, as if all of the shrines were made by the same person.

A Fanworks Page

1. Tell us what the fics are about, at least vaguely. I mean, what sort of fics are they?

2. Optimize your scans, if possible.


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