Fanfic and Coupling


Warning:  This page contains SPOILERS for the TV series through TRY. Also contains opinions, which may or not be offensive. 


Everyone knows that the whole thing about couples and fanfic in Slayers fandom has been fodder for a rather large flamewar. For more about it, see Avocado's manifesto on the subject, which delivers a much needed message. 

And now to add my personal twig to the inferno. 

Firstly, my personal preferences in fanfiction aren't for romance fic. They're for adventure fic. I prefer fiction where the romance, if any, is secondary to the plot, which must be exciting and with an interesting antagonist and possibly featuring lots of canon-nitpicking fanservice, interesting original characters who avoid being self-instery and fit in the Slayers world, good description (since we're in a text medium), and .....

But I'm getting off-topic here. The point was to exercise my views on romantic fanfiction. To be honest, if it's well written enough, I'll read it, even if I have zero interest in the couple, or even if the last few fics I read that had them were awful. 

There's an unfortunate perception that romance is the only way to catagorize fics, so I'll actually keep this one fairly short. Note that most of my generalizations, and most of the generalizations partisans on both sides take for granted absolutely blow apart when dealing with some fics, some of which are the most popular in their genre. I can't stress this enough, but you shouldn't assume too much about your fellow fans based on bias.

Actually, I think if you want to make generalizations about people, you should start with their grammar and spelling. The more smileys and s people use compared to the amount of actual, readable text in their messages, the more annoying they tend to be. People who continually speak as if they are in a chat room or roleplaying also come under this catagory. Misuse of the English language by native speakers (I have a great deal of sympathy for those who attempt to master another language), including unclear run-on sentences, and extreme rambling, also qualifies. These individuals occur among fans of all pairings. Often, these people don't write fanfic very well. Articulate and well-spoken fans may also be found among all pairings. 

On the other hand, it probably does mean something that one prefers one couple to another. But this is probably more indicative of the personality of the viewer, in my view, then the tenability of the couple in "real life." Which is of course a very fannish way of looking at the matter, because they are, after all, just fictional characters. Most of what people write about the couples is projection, as I stated elsewhere. But I don't pretend to have a foolproof theory about exactly what in people's psyches makes them like couple X.....and I'd think it a very dangerous and perhaps rude generalization to think that everyone has the same reason.


But I was talking about....

The Common Fanfic Couples

Gourry and Lina. This is one of the more popular pairings. I have to say that I don't like it enough to read fics just about this couple; to me, for Lina to be in a relationship she would have to change so much that I'd think of her as being un-Linalike. I think it's amusing in the series as an unrealized relationship. Part of why I don't really like it that much is because I have trouble imagining it realized, and me finding it interesting if realized. If you buy the theory that all Slayers romance fanfic is really about self-inserting yourself and fantasizing, then this could be because I don't find Gourry appealing enough. Certainly, this theory is beginning to make some sense, especially if you count the fact that the ones who write romantic fanfic are mostly female.

Zelgaldis and Lina. I don't like this one enough either to read based on pairing alone, and the same criticisms apply as G/L, though I find Zelgaldis somewhat more interesting as a character. Partisans of both assert that they are oppressed by the others, but in truth, around the same number of people like both, as far as I can see. It's impossible to find the true strength of either without polling every single person who reads Slayers fic on the net, which is not possible. By looking at web pages, you can see who's more vocal. BTW, like Avocado, I think the whole brouhaha is pointlessly vicious. I think the tremendous popularity of this is due to several reasons a) a lot of people don't find Gourry as appealing as the people who write G/L fanfic do, and prefer Zelgaldis. b) people are turned off by some aspects of the G/L relationship as a relationship; i.e. the perceived inequality, the comic violence, the way it doesn't go anywhere in the series, the perception that Zel and Lina would be more compatible with each other in an actual relationship. Of course, to like this, you also have to jettison some canon, so people who like Z/L will necessarily be more flexible about canon in this respect. 

Zelgaldis and Amelia. Also rather popular. Same thing for the other two relationships, I don't like it enough to read on pairing alone. Quite a bit of character development is needed in this one than G/L, because it's more of a simple attraction, and the platonic part of Zel and Amelia's relationship isn't as developed as Gourry and Lina's. Maybe it's because I don't really identify with Amelia? Partisans (who also claim the Z/L types as their natural enemies), claim that all hostility to this relationship is based on dislike of Amelia. I won't deny that this explains part of it, but there are too many fans who like both Zelgaldis and Amelia, but not both together, to explain this as the sole motivating factor. I've read lots of fics which give Amelia a respectable love interest or don't seethe with hostility towards her. If they ignore or omit her, one can't attribute this to hostility either. This seems to bring more skepticism that G/L, possibly because Zelgaldis is so obsessed with his cure, and because Amelia seems very psychologically young. 

Interestingly enough, no one pairs up Gourry and Amelia. The problem also does one explain male fans of any of these three pairs with the self-insertion theory? Then why don't people just write self-inserts? Also, good fic writers don't do self inserts. Yet respectable, not discernably insert, in-character  fanfiction exists for all three pairings. Unless you believe it is fundamental to the characters of any of these four characters that they may only be happy with the person the story pairs them with, a good enough writer (because a good-enough writer can do pretty damn much anything) can pair these all up convincingly. I have read and liked fics that worked, characterization-wise, with all of them. (And if you say that makes me an idiot with no taste in fanfiction, you don't need to send me an email, as I've anticipated your response already.) I'm always willing to read fanfic by good writers, even if they change character relationships. The insert theory, therefore, explains some of the fic, but not all of it.

I do tend to think that the tremendous popularity of Z/L among Western fanfic writers is something significant. In Japanese stuff, G/L is far more popular. Several attempted explanations follow. A) Japanese fans have access to the novels. I've heard Gourry is far more appealing and interesting in the novels. B) As characters, according to the tastes of Western fans, Zelgaldis and Lina would tend to be the sorts who one would expect to be together. I did once read a sub review where the person reviewing spontaneously declared that Z/L ought to be together, without displaying dislike for Amelia. As personalities, I don't think it can be proven or disproven objectively that they are compatible or incompatible; a character is not a real person with a fully realized personality, and we haven't seen any of these characters in a real relationship, where the most potential problems would arise. Plus, I don't really believe that in most cases, there is only one person with whom one may have a workable relationship. (See, this couples thing just dissolves into personal theories about relationships and humanity. I find it uncomfortable to go about critiquing other's views of romance abstractly unless they're flagrantly stupid. It isn't something reducible to a formula like most canon.) Personally, I'm not passionate about any of these from canon, but I think the Zel/Lina thing is better explained by multiple theories than just one. I also think something's wrong with the portrayal of a relationship if so many fans are so indifferent/dislike it. 

Xelloss and Lina. Here's where the theory, at least for me, tends to really fall apart. Xelloss and Lina are my two favorite characters. Therefore I ought to like this one the best. Problem is that I don't. I don't have a virulent dislike for it, but I'd rather see Filia paired with him. Plus some of the same reasons I'm not hugely enthused about reading various permutations of GLZA apply here. 

Xelloss and Filia. My personal fave. I'm admitting my bias, full disclosure. Heck, this is even more non-canon than Zelgaldis and Lina, so you can flame me even more. Their on screen interactions are just so much more interesting and charged then most other Slayers relationships. If you like comedy, it has high comedic potential, if you like angst, it has that too. I'm planning to discuss this in detail elsewhere, so watch this space. 

Valgaav and Filia. I don't really like this one that much....unless you do the incest weirdness thing, which is interesting as darkfic. During TRY, it could work within canon. After, you do have incestuous overtones, because I subscribe to the theory that having Val reborn as an infant would be pointless if he kept his angsty memories of being a mazoku/ancient-dragon hybrid, which would include knowing Filia. Reborn, he'd be a blank slate, only knowing Filia as his mommy. Can we say "Oedipus complex?" Actually, I have read compelling stuff with this kind of relationship, but you have to take into account that it embraced the tabooness of it all. 

All other pairings aren't really written enough about to be worth addressing here, except that I'm not really interested in either of them except for possibly Rezo/Ellis. 

Yaoi/Shounen-Ai pairings

Of course, there's no question that these aren't canon; Slayers isn't shoujo (yaoi is a subgenre of shoujo). But to even ask the question of whether they are canon, with yaoi, is to miss the point. Yaoi is about fantasy, but it's not devoid of reason. It's a subgenre with stylized rules and conventions. One can predict what people will slash. Sometimes the writing quality is quite high. The most popular shounen-ai pairing in Slayers is Xelloss/Zelgaldis, followed by, in no particular order, Gourry/Zelgaldis and Xelloss/Valgaav. 

I'm not a yaoi fan, so I can't presume to speak for them. (Come to think of it, even if I did like yaoi, I wouldn't present myself as being typical of all yaoi fans.) Whatever it is that gives people a taste for shounen-ai, I don't have it. One thing I can say is that most yaoi fans just want to be left alone to do their thing in peace. They don't want to argue "morality" or canon with you, so doing so will be a waste of both their time and yours. 


I really don't like the term "support" when used online, as in "I support Zelgaldis and Lina" or "I support Valgaav" or whatever. The problem with this term, as it is practiced, is that it promotes siege mentality and unnecessary polarization. Normally when you say "I support Zelgadis/Filia," you secretly mean, "I hate Filia/Valgaav" or "I hate those nasty people who like Xelloss/Filia." Plus, it supports (that evil word again) the false perception that you must either "support" something or be against it, allowing less room for people who are neutral. Support banners are a sign that fans are drawing battle lines against each other. Then you have the problem that you've now started to separate fandom into two groups, supporters and non-supporters, and probably have really annoyed the non-supporters who care. Then they will start their "support" group, and we all will be annoyed at having to wait for all of your blasted banners to load. The problem is, when you have groups of this sort, you'll run into the problem all groups have, members whom you'd rather not be associated with. Even if you are a nice-non-flaming sort of person, it will reflect badly upon you when your partisans flame other's web pages. Then the other side will darkly mutter "that sort of behavior is typical of the fans of Zelgaldis/Filia." Neutral parties will think "get a life!" or if they perceive the flamers to be typical of your group, start thinking "The Zelgaldis/Filia mob is full of unbalanced wackos, possibly more so than the Xelloss/Filia crowd." You might also have to reign in the people who go too far and deal with nasty infighting that follows. So if you do start up a group (and I'm not saying that such groups don't have positive aspects as well), beware of going negative. When you go negative, you may learn that you or your friends have sides that you never knew existed.... Most groups (and I like other anime series besides Slayers, and there are varying degrees of civility in those fandoms as well) actually deal with the "opposition" in the most productive way, by completely ignoring it. When they see pages or fics about the aspect of their fandom that they do not enjoy, they do not visit them, and do not read them. This method is very effective. The only obligation people have is to be polite about their preferences. If they flame you, they are wrong to do so. If you flame them, you have behaved just as wrongly, even if you think your preference is more "right" than theirs.

[note that no offense was meant towards Z/F fans, if any exist, by my use of a hypothetical group of them as an example]

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