Binalbagan Catholic College



The schools m administration reserve the right to admit students on the basis of their moral character , academic standing , credentials and other requirements of the program that they desire to enroll .

Any student, upon admission is subject to all school regulations as state in this student hand book ,the source of which are the guidelines from the CHED and the memoranda and directives from the administrative team

Although BCC is a Catholic school all students irrespective of their religious belief , are welcome.

1.1_For New Students
High School graduates seeking admission to college for the first time should submit the following:
A. School Report Card(From 138-A)or its equivalent (From 137-A)
B. Photocopy of birth certificate issued by the National Statistic office (NSO)
C. Certificate of Good Moral character
D. College Admission Test result



2.1 Every prospective student must enroll during the prescribe registration period, in accordance with the proper producers and subject to the following rules:
A. A student is officially enrolled if he/ she submits the required school credentials ,has made initial payment of school fees , and has subjects approved by the Department Dean and duly validated by the registerar.
B. A student who enrolls after the specified period may be admitted in accordance with the rules for late enrollment ,which shall not exceed two weeks after the opening of classes.
C. Credentials submitted for enrollment became part of the school records.
D. The school has the discretion to approve/ disapproved the enrolment of a student base on the following:
*Health conditions
*Non adherence to the proper procedure
*Fraudulent and deceitful enrolment

2.2 Adjustment of the subject

Within the first week. Of classes , a student may, with the approval of the Department Dean ,ADD,DROP,OR CHANGE subject or schedule .q
Changing one subject for another is allowed within the first week of classes under the following conditions:
A. If the subject originally enrolled-in is dissolved
B.If the student failed in a pre -requisite subject
C. If the student has conflict of schedules

Regardless of whether or not the student attended classes, dropping of subject after the adding , Dropping and changing of schedule will be charged 50% of the tuition fee ; if the subject is withdrawn one month after the opening of classes, 100%fee will be charged

2.3 withdrawal of subjects
Withdrawal of enrollment. Must be duly approved by the Department Dean, noted by subject teacher and validated by the college Registerar.A student who withdraws his/ her enrollment from any course shall be charged the following:
20%of the tuition fee is impose when the subject is withdrawn. Within the first week of classes ,regardless of whether or not the student has actually attended classes.

5%of the tuition fee is imposed when the subject is withdrawn within the second week of classes regardless of whether or not the student has actually attended classes

100% of the tuition fee when the subject is withdrawn one month after the opening of classes whether he/she attended classes or not

*Entrance fee is fulls payable by the enrollee
*Registration fee is not refundable.

2.4 Cross Enrollment
Students who will take subject at other institution must secure approval ROM the Department Dean tone issued a cross -enrolment permit by the registerar . Certification for the credit earned for the subject Must be submitted by the student go he registerar .

Cross enrollment is allowed only for graduating student and when the subject is not offered during the semester .Cross enrollment is not allowed for major elective and professional subject .

1. Fill up forms at the Department office
2. Submit it to department Dean for approval
3. Present to the Registerar for issuance of cross -enrollment permit

2.5 School Credentials

A.Request and transfer of school records
A student may request his/her record from the registerar 's office provided he/she has no outstanding property and/or financial
Obligations to the institution; or is not under penalty of suspension r expulsion.

B. Certificate of good moral character
A student may secure a clearance form the Registerar's office for the release of the certificate by the Guidance office.
8Honest ,integrity truthfulness , and other similar virtues should. Be primarly exercised and properly observed during examination .A student caught cheating in any quiz or examination shall be given a grade equivalent to zero in the said quiz or examination without prejudice to other sanctions provided in the student handbook.
the casher and present the same to the or authorized proctor prior to the taking of major examination
4As a policy ,no student shall be allowed to take any major examination without an examination permit
5 The. Student should see to it that the teacher 's or authorized proctor's signature is affixed on the exam