Dirty Little Secret How To Stay Healthy

Scared of GMO?

Well, better you do. GMO is bad, and the worst part of it are herbicides that support growth of genetically modified crops. Herbicides, pesticides, insecticides... GMO is all around us, can't escape. 

Did you know that Chlorella can aid the body in breaking down metals and pesticides. Chlorella is a powerful detoxification aid that supports a healthy immune system. Source it out - it is real good stuff that works. 

There are much more amazing botanicals around us - just stretch your hand. More than that, they are all avaialble in the stores as vitamins and minerals and each one of them is essential for our health. 

Write me, I can send you more to read, can send you links and even where to buy the best for you to stay safe and sound. I don't charge for this info. Knowledge is power. 

For centuries, mothers in India believed that rice bran held certain healing powers that worked wonders for their ailing children. 
When the child or relative was unhealthy, a mother would often rush to the local mill and collect the freshly-milled rice bran from the abandoned pile. She would then immediately prepare a broth from the bran ans feed it to the child, who would often recover. 

The nutritional superiority of rice bran has long been known by the medical community. However, within hours after milling, oxidative changes render the rice bran unfit for human consumption. An enzyme called lipase combines with the oil in the rice bran, turning the oil rancid. The result is that nutrients are lost and the oil undergoes chemical changes that become toxic. 40 million metric tons of rice bran are discarded annually due to this rancidity. 

Scientists and others have made repeated attempts over the past 50 years to deactivate the lipase and thus stabilize the rice bran, but until recently a non-chemical working process eluded them. A proprietary extrusion process has since been developed to protect against rancidity and to maintain and enhance rice bran's nutritional value.

This non-chemical process deactivates the lipase and the result is stabilized rice bran, the most nutrient dense whole food source on the planet. ZEAL Stabilized Rice Bran (Z-SRB) is water-soluble, predigested, and easily available to the body and contains over 120 antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Z-SRB works by doing two things. First, feeding the cells with bioavailable nutrient-dense food sources. And second, protecting the cells from free radicals.

According to the American Medical Association, everybody should add nutritional supplements to their diet. As our lives grow busier and more demanding, the average diet has become increasingly deficient in nutrition and rich in calories. While the dilution in the nutritional value of our foods has a lot to do with what we are choosing to eat, it is also related to the depletion of nutrients in our soil. Simply eating good foods and balanced diet is no longer enough to maintain optimal nutrition.

Z-SRB itself is a life sustaining food, and is only the first primary nutrient found within ZEAL Wellness! Zeal Wellness is a blend of whole food concentrates specifically designed to fill the nutritional gaps that your individual diet cannot do alone.

Write me, I can send you more to read, can send you links and even where to buy the best for you to stay safe and sound. I don't charge for this info. Knowledge is power. Contact me now and you will get immediate access to The Doctor's Report.