
Cumulus Monster

Cumulus Monster art

Cumulus Monster screenshot

This first boss Mars encounters lies in wait during his quest to seek out the Fairy of the Gudo Valley. Even though this is considered one boss, there are actually two sets of four clouds; one gold cloud leading for each set, with three grey clouds following.



Giant Spider

Giant Spider art

Giant Spider screenshot

This oh-so-cute-looking arachnid is the only thing standing between Mars and a very special reward, able to be found in a rather convenient habitat for a spider... Think the mean, green spider enemies are bad? Just wait until you've battled with this angry eight-legged foe!



Killer Cactus

Killer Cactus art

Killer Cactus screenshot

This monster must be defeated in order for Mars to meet a certain "enigma", the outcome of the meet giving the land of Odegan a much-needed sparkle of light for the darkness in which it is slowly descending. The Killer Cactus would love to get close to Mars and stab him, inflicting painful damage. Mars should be wary of this large creature's little helpers!



Kari's Pet

Kari's Pet art

Kari's Pet screenshot

This favourite plaything of Kari is definately something special. One of the more complicated bosses, this red spike is protected by many rocks which hover around it, protecting it from any forms of attack. How angry Kari would be to find that her pet had been destroyed...



Sand Worm

Sand Worm art

Sand Worm screenshot

This wicked worm isn't too happy that Mars has disturbed its sandy lair. Quick and savage, this evil guardian will definately make a quick snack of Mars if he isn't fast enough. If you beat this boss, you are rewarded with a worthwhile (and important) treasure.

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