Orthodox Conversion to Judaism
Subjects to be known for an Orthodox conversion:
Note: this list is growing constantly since the site is still under construction,  also know that this list is merely a suggestion, always inform with your Rabbi and Beis Din for their programm for conversion.
The Thirteen Principles of our Faith
The 24 books of the Tanach
Maimonides or the RaMBaM
positive mitzvot - negative mitzvot
Rabbi Yehuda Halevi
Tefillin, Tzizit, Mezuzah
The dietary laws, Kashrus:
kashering utensils
forbidden mixtures
telling if a product is kosher
laws and meaning
A day of delight:
list of 39 melachot
Family purity:
general information
Days of joy:
dates of holidays
laws of Yom Tov
meaning of the feasts
Pesach cleaning and shopping list
Kriat Shema
Jewish Calendar
The fasts
Jewish personalities:
Communal worship and private prayer:
Bris Milah and Pidyon Haben
Jewish History and Eretz Yisrael
Rabbi Yosef Caro
Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi
Troughout our lives:
The outward signs:
Days of sorrow:
From new moon to new moon:
The Tree of Life:
The beginning of knowledge:
G-d the Creator
From generation to generation:
Torah as our Inheritance
The 613 Commandments
The Shabbat Day
The Oral Law
The Synagogue and its contents
The Unity of G-d
Kashering meat
Kosher animals
The Mishnah
The purpose of the dietary laws
The Synagogue Services
The Fatherhood of G-d
The Shulchan Aruch
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