Note: This order of battle originally appeared on the old Twilight 2000 mailing list. I have posted it "as is" without any editing, save for one misspelled word. I have been unable to contact the author, Steve Charlton. If anyone knows who he is, please have him email me at [email protected]

Subj: US Order of Battle for 2003 (LONG)
Date: 97-04-19 19:58:40 EDT
From: [email protected] (Steve Charlton)
Sender: [email protected]
Reply-to: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

A word of explanation: This is the US Order of Battle from a campaign I started back in 1986. Specifically, this is an OB as of January 1, 2003. My PCs were members of a Special Forces A-Team attached to III Corps during the 2000 Summer offensive, who got trapped and largely destroyed along with the 5th Mech Division. They made it back to Bremerhaven in time of Operation Omega, but ended up going to England for six months to assist in evacuating US assets from that country. Upon their return and a brief rest period in Norfolk (along with a quick side-trip to New York City), they became involved in Operation ALAMO. This operation was a long-term national recovery program. The first step of Operation ALAMO was to secure the Four Corners region, to use as a springboard for an eventual offensive into New Mexico and Arizona.

This OB may deviate from "canon" a bit. We actually played this campaign through to 2020 (ending in 1993 calendar time). By the end of this campaign, the US military and civlian governments had rejoined each other, the US had largely defeated New America (which became a more long-term terror and subversion threat), had managed to retake all of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and a large chunk of northern Mexico, and ended up in a war with a resurgent and powerful France in 2018 over French military presence in Quebec. The campaign ended with the (now older) characters volunteering for one last mission into Europe, to help convince the various alliances of German governments and Warlords to attack France and so force the French to withdraw from Quebec. The result was a non-nuclear WWIV, as France battled US, German, Canadian, English and Saudi forces in North America, Europe and Africa. And then, just for fun, Russia got involved by trying to retake Poland. Fortunately, the combatants were largely still exhausted from WWIII, so the war only lasted two years, and largely ended in a draw. France withdrew from Quebec, and formally annexed the Alsace-Lorraine region as well as Belgium. French efforts to sponsor a new Egyptian government were quashed, and Saudi Arabia became the defacto ruler of the MidEast (less Israel).

So why did I post this? Well, somebody wrote to me asking for the fleet information from this OB. I had thought this data lost with most of my early 1990s game files in a hard drive crash in 1994, but I was pleased to find I had this and a number of Operations Orders documents backed up on 5.25 inch floppies! Do you know how damn hard it is to find PCs with 5.25" drives nowadays??? So I bought a drive for $30.00, plugged it in and tried to reconstruct the files. This one is now restored, and I may get some of the OpOrd documents reworked in the next few weeks. Since I am going through all of this work just for the sake of nostalgia, it seems only fair that veryone one else suffer, or rather benefit, from my actions. Enjoy (hopefully)....

US Ground Forces OB as of 1 January 2003.

This OB assumes the withdrawal of most (though not all) US forces from Europe. It also assumes that foreign nationals and "other assets" that have been attached to the various formations over the past five years are now formally recognized by MilGov. Most of the forces evacuated from Europe were released from service upon arrival in the US. However, at leat 30% of the returnees opted to remain in US service. These forces were organized into the I Corps of the First Army, in Norfolk VA, in the 3rd, 6th and 28th Infantry Divisions. Shortly afterwards, the 28th Infantry Division was moved to Fort Dix to prepare for an effort to retake the New York/New Jersey metroplex in the spring of 2003. The balance of I Corps remained in Virginia to secure the state under MilGov control.

The Fifth Army is tasked with the retaking of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. The 2002 offensive season saw the reconquest of most of northern New Mexico and northern Texas, and the goal for 2003 will be an offensive into central/southern Texas and northern Arizona.

Sixth Army managed to smash the remaining intact Mexican Army formations in the summer of 2002, but was badly mauled in the process. Victory proved fleeting, as the surviving Mexican soldiers merged with the various bandit, marauder and reaver gangs infesting Southern California, and managed to badly trash the US 89th Corps. The 89th Corps was disbanded, and its survivors returned to San Francisco as part of the US Strategic Reserve to recuperate and absorb new trainees from the Bay area.

In the Pacific Northwest, the 9th Army suffered at the hands of well-armed marauder bands (mostly New America cells), which prevented MilGov expansion from the cantonments in Seattle, Portland and Butte. The X Corps in Alaska disintegrated as poor communications and lack of supplies forced the large units to disband into smaller groups to live off the land. Individual detachments remain in communications, but it is unlikely that any reorganization of X Corps will occur in 2003, if ever.

In the Persian Gulf, the Third Army got a share of the forces from Europe, in the form of the 38th Infantry Division. These forces are being held in Saudi Arabia as a reserve, and to assist the Saudis in securing the remains of the oil fields in the region. US forces occupy large portions of Iran and Iraq, as well as Kuwait.

In Korea, the 8th Army managed to largely defeat the North Korean Army and its Soviet allies. An offensive into Eastern Siberia is planned for the summer of 2003, and all units are attempting to refit themselves in preparation. The 4th and 6th Marine Divisions have returned to Okinawa for rest and refit, and have been combined into one division (the 4th Marine Division).

In Hawaii, the 29th Infantry Bde remains the only government for the region. Owing to a lack of fuel, ships and aircraft, these troops are unlikely to have any effect on the operations planned for 2003. This is also true for the 193rd Infantry Bde in Panama, which has managed to secure and repair the locks of the Panama Canal. The Panamanian government collapsed when the canal and Panama City were hit by nuclear strikes in 1999, and the 193rd is the only controlling force in the region.


FORCECOM Headquarters (2000 men) - Denver, CO

            Strategic Reserve

                      100th Infantry Div (5000 men, 6 AFVs) - Fort Carson, CO

                                    1st Bde

                                    2nd Bde

                                    3rd Bde

                        Cadet Bde (900 men, 2 AFVs) - Fort Carson, CO

                        91st Infantry Div (Light) (1000 men) - San Francisco, CA

                                    1st Bde

                                    2nd Bde




First Army (1000 men) - Fort Dix, NJ

            12th Corps (500 men) - Fort Dix, NJ)

                        78th Infantry Div (1000 men) - Fort Dix, NJ

                                    1st Bde

                                    2nd Bde

                        28th Infantry Div (2000 men, 2 AFVs) - Fort Dix, NJ

                                    1st Bde

                                    2nd Bde

            I Corps (1000 men) - Norfolk, VA

                        3rd Infantry Div (Mech) (5000 men, 9 AFVs) - Norfolk, VA

                                    1st Bde

                                    2nd Bde

                                    3rd Bde

                        6th Infantry Div (Light) (4000 men) - Norfolk, VA

                                    1st Bde

                                    2nd Bde

                                    3rd Bde


Third Army (2000, 4 AFVs) - Saudi Arabia

            35th Airborne Bde (Israel) (500 men) - Iraq

            7th Armor Bde (Israel) (1000 men, 12 AFVs) - Iraq

            109th Combat Helicopter Company (Israel) (200 men, 3 AH-1T, 6 UH-1) - Iraq

            5th Armored Div (Jordan) (1000 men, 5 AFVs) - Iraq

            38th Infantry Div (US) (4000 men, 5 AFVs) - Saudi Arabia

                                    1st Bde

                                    2nd Bde

                                    3rd Bde


            XVIII Airborne Corps (1000 men) - Iran

                        101st Air Assault Div (4000 men, 3 AH-64, 9 UH-60) - Iran

                                    1st Bde

                                    2nd Bde

                                    3rd Bde

                        82nd Airborne Div (3000 men, 5 AFVs) - Iran

                                    1st Bde

                                    2nd Bde

                                    3rd Bde

                        9th Infantry Div (Motorized) (1500 men, 12 AFVs) - Iran

                                    1st Bde

                                    2nd Bde

                                    3rd Bde

                        6th Air Cavalry Combat Bde (600 men, 10 AH-64) - Iran

                        75th Infantry Regt (Ranger) (500 men, 2 AFVs) - Iran


I Amphibious Corps (1000 men, 2 AFVs) - Kuwait

                        1st Marine Div (3000 men, 4 AFVs) - Iraq

                                    1st Regt

                                    5th Regt

                                    7th Regt

                        3rd Marine Div (4000 men, 4 AFVs) - Iraq

                                    3rd Regt

                                    4th Regt

                                    9th Regt

                        24th  Infantry Div (Mech) (2000 men, 7 AFVs) - Iraq

                                    1st Bde 

                                    2nd Bde

                                    48th Mech Inf Bde (GA NG)


Fifth Army (1500 men) - Memphis, TN

            194th Armored Bde (1600 men, 30 AFVs) - Cairo, IL

            197th Infantry Bde (Mech) (1500 men, 12 AFVs) - Memphis, TN


            90th Corps (1000 men) - Fort Sill, OK

                        49th Armored Division (3000 men, 20 AFVs) - Ardmore, OK

                                    1st Bde (TX NG)

                                    2nd Bde (TX NG)

                                    3rd Bde (TX NG)

                        95th Infantry Division (Light) (4000 men, 1 AFV) - Fort Sill, OK

                                    1st Bde

                                    2nd Bde

                                    3rd Bde

                        School Bde (1,000 men) - Ft Leavenworth, KA


            122nd Corps (500 men) - Fort Wingate, NM

                        85th Infantry Division (1000 men, 1 AFV) - Fort Wingate, NM

                                    1st Bde

                        98th Infantry Division (3000 men, 2 AFVs) - Albuquerque, NM

                                    1st Bde

                                    2nd Bde

                                    3rd Bde


Sixth Army (1500 men) - San Francisco, CA

            63rd Corps (1000 men) - Fort Ord, CA

                        46th Infantry Division (2000 men) - Fort Ord, CA

                                    58th Infantry Bde (MD NG)

                                    92nd Infantry Bde (PR NG)

                                    116th Infantry Bde (VA NG)

                        49th Military Police Bde (700 men, 1 AFV) - Lemoore NAS, CA


Ninth Army (1000 men) - Fort Lewis, WA

            8th Corps (1000 men) - Fort Lewis, WA

                        47th Infantry Division (5000 men) - Fort Lewis, WA

                                    1st Infantry Bde (MN NG)

                                    34th Infantry Bde (IA NG)

                                    66th Infantry Bde (IL NG)

                        104th Infantry Div (Light) (4000 men, 2 AFVs) - Butte, MN

                                    1st Bde

                                    2nd Bde

                                    3rd Bde

                        41st Infantry Bde (OR NG) (1000 men) - Portland, OR



            29th Infantry Bde (HI NG) (3000 men, 8 AFVs) - Honolulu, HI

            193rd Infantry Bde (1000 men, 6 AFVs) - Fort Amador, Panama


XI Corps (Attached to Germany Third Army) (1000 men) - Germany

            5th Infantry Div (Mech) (500 men, 2 AFVs) - Germany

                        1st Bde

            8th Infantry Div (Mech) (2000 men, 10 AFVs) - Lithuania

                        1st Bde

                        2nd Bde

            50th Armored Div (2500 men, 35 AFVs) - Poland

                        1st Armored Bde (NJ NG)

                        2nd Armored Bde (NJ NG)

                        86th Armored Bde (VT NG)

            2nd Marine Division (3500 men, 12 AFVs) - Poland

                        2nd Regt

                        6th Regt

                        8th Regt

            4th Mechanized Bde (Canada) (1000 men, 3 AFVs) - Poland

            116th Armored Cavalry Regt (ID NG) (500 men, 6 AFVs) - Poland


Eighth Army (1000 men) - Okinawa

            II Amphibious Corps (500 men) - Korea

                        4th Marine Div (1000 men, 4 AFVs) - Okinawa

                                    23rd Regt

                                    16th Regt

                        5th Marine Div (2000 men, 12 AFVs) - Korea

                                    24th Regt

                                    25th Regt


            II Corps (1000 men) - Korea

                        7th Infantry Div (Light) (500 men) - Korea

                                    1st Bde

                        26th Infantry Div (Light) (5000 men, 1 AFV) - Korea

                                    1st Bde (MA NG)

                                    2nd Bde (MA NG)

                                    43rd Bde (CT NG)

                        45th Infantry Div (2000 men) - Korea

                                    39th Infantry Bde (AR NG)

                                    45th Infantry Bde (OK NG)

                                    53rd Infantry Bde (FL NG)


            VI Corps (500 men) - Korea

                        2nd Infantry Div (200 men, 3 AFVs) - Korea

                                    1st Bde

                                    2nd Bde

                                    3rd Bde

                        25th Infantry Div (Light) (500 men) - Korea

                                    1st Bde

                        41st Infantry Div (2000 men) - Korea

                                    33rd Infantry Bde (IL NG)

                                    73rd Infantry Bde (OH NG)

                                    106th Infantry Bde (IL NG)

                        163rd Armored Cavalry Regt (MT NG) (300 men, 4 AFVs) - Korea

US Naval Forces OB as of 1 January 2003 This OB assumes surviving naval assets in Europe were withdrawn with the ground forces. The ships listed here are not at all fully operational; they are at least afloat and capable of generating internal power. Most of the ships listed are missing one or more key weapons or sensor systems, and are critically short of electronics spares and missile reloads. Also, all helicopters assigned to the various non-carriers have been removed from those ship (if they are operational) and assigned to composite naval aviation squadrons.

In the United States, excess naval and marine personnel have been reassigned to Provisional Marine Regiments, and are being used for security at the remaining naval facilities.



Sixth Fleet (Atlantic Fleet)

            TF-61 - Norfolk, VA

                        29th Provisional Marine Regt (1000 men)

                        SSN-705 Corpus Christi

                        CG-20 Richmond K Turner

                        DD-965 Kinkaid

                        DD-940 Manley

                        DD-943 Blandy

                        DDG-37 Farragut

                        DDG-39 MacDonough

                        FF-1057 Rathburne

                        FF-1083 Cooke

                        LST-1180 Maniwotock

                        LST-1187 Tuscaloosa

                        WMEC-347 Steadfast

                        WMEC-426 Hopeful

                        WMEC-645 Succour

                        AO-112 Ashtabula

                        TAO-79 Mispillion

                        3x LCM-6

                        6x PTB-3


            TF-62 - Toms River, NJ

                        30th Provisional Marine Regt (1000 men)

                        DD-978 Stump

                        DD-942 Bigelow

                        DDG-45 Dewey

                        FF-1068 Vreeland

                        LST-1195 Barbour County

                        WMEC-367 Resolute

                        WMEC-422 Insistence

                        WMEC-577 Robert J Morse

                        WMEC-589 Perilous

                        WMEC-619 Confidence

                        4x LCM-6

                        2x PTB-3


            2nd Marine Aviation Wing - Lakehurst NAS, NJ

                        VMFA-107 (3x F-18A)

                        VMFA-276 (2x AV-8)

                        HMHR-207 (2x UH-60, 3x CH-47)


1st Composite Naval Aviation Wing - Norfolk, VA

                        VF-231 (3x F-14, 1x F-18)

                        VFA-110 (3x A-6, 1x EA-6, 1x K-6)

                        VFS-129 (4x P-3)

                        VFH-532 (2x SH-60, 2x SH-2)

                        VFC-835 (2x E-2)


Seventh Fleet

            TF-71 - San Francisco, CA

                        32nd Provisional Marine Regt (1000 men)

                        CG-29 Jouett

                        SSN-704 Baltimore

                        DDG-32 John Paul Jones

                        DDG-51 Arleigh Burke

                        FFG-8 McInerney

                        FFG-47 Nicholas

                        FF-1038 McCloy

                        TAO-146 Neosho

                        AOR-2 Charles Town

                        4x LCM-6

                        8x PTM-2

                        3x PTB-3


            TF-72 - Seattle, WA

                        31st Provisional Marine Regt (500 men)

                        SSBN-626 Daniel Webster

                        SSN-647 Pogy

                        SSN-665 Guitaro

                        DD-977 Briscoe

                        FFG-9 Wadsworth

                        8x PTM-2

                        5x LCM-6


            TF-73 - Okinawa

                        FFG-26 Gallery

                        FFG-28 Boone

                        FF-1060 Lang

                        LPD-9 Denver

                        AE-21 Suribachi

                        5x PTB-3

                        3x LCM-6


            TF-74 - Pearl Harbor, HI

                        35th Provisional Marine Regt (500 men)

                        FF-1095 Truett

                        LST-1186 Cayuga

                        3x PTM-2

                        3x LCM-6


            TF-76 - Persian Gulf

                        LPD-13 Nashville

                        LHA-3 Belleau Wood

                        CG-48 Yorktown

                        FFG-11 Clark

                        FFG-25 Copeland

                        FFG-29 Stephan W. Groves

                        VFC-76 (6x F-18, 3x F-14)

                        VFA-204 (3x A-6, 1x KA-6, 1x S-3)

                        1st Marine Air Wing

                                    VMFA-214 (4x FA-18)

                                    VMFA-442 (6x AV-8)

                                    VMFA-119 (4x AV-8, 7x CH-53, 6x AH-1T, 2x UH-60)

                                    HMC-332 (6x AH-1V)

                                    HMHR-301 (6x CH-53, 4x UH-60)


            2nd Composite Naval Aviation Wing - San Francisco, CA

                        VF-177 (2x F-18, 1x F-14)

                        VMFR-278 (3x A-4, 1x AV-8)

                        VFA-322 (3x A-7)

                        HMC-175 (6x AH-1V)

                        VFH-967 (3x CH-53, 2x UH-60)

                        VFS-645 (3x P-3, 2x SH-2, 1x S-3)


            4th Marine Air Wing - Korea

                        VMFR-228 (6x A-4)

                        VMFA-209 (2x AV-8)

                        HMHR-465 (6x CH-53, 2x UH-60)

                        VFA-373 (3x A-6, 1x KA-6, 1x EA-6)

                        HMC-289 (6x AH-1V)


            1st Composite Naval Air Group - Okinawa

                        VFH-672 (3x UH-60, 2x CH-53, 1x AH-1T)

                        VFA-208 (2x A-6, 2x A-7, 2x EA-6, 1x AV-8)

                        VF-535 (2x F-16, 2x F-15, 1x F-14, 3x F-18)

                        VFS-351 (2x P-3, 3x SH-2)
US Air Forces OB as of 1 January 2003

This OB assumes surviving air assets in Europe were evacuated along with the ground forces. The aircraft listed here are all capable of flight operations, but in many cases have degraded or non-functional radar or guidance gear. In addition, the USAF is woefully short of missile reloads for the aircraft, but retains a steady supply of iron bombs and cannon reloads, and even a limited supply of guided munitions. Over the past year, several of the Minuteman missiles that were offline or damaged during the nuclear strikes have been reactivated, and the USAF has retaken the few missile sites siezed by CivGov over the past six months. The main limiting factor for the USAF currently is fuel; supplies from the Kansas/Oklahoma area and from some shale oil fields in Wyoming have been sufficient thus far, but are all precariously close to enemy or marauder forces.



First Air Force - Lowry AFB, CO

            388th Fighter Wing - Tinker AFB, OK

                        572nd TFS (5x F-15)

                        496th TFS (4x F-16)

                        362nd TFS (4x F-16)

                        273rd TFS (3x F-4)

                        274th TFS (3x F-4)

            57th Fighter Wing - Tinker AFB, OK

                        365th TFS (4x A-10)

                        943rd TFS (5x A-7)

                        847th TAS (3x F-111)

                        735th TCS (3x OA-37, 2x OV-10)

            96th Interceptor Wing - Lowry AFB, CO

                        21st TIS (3x F-106)

                        38th TIS (2x F-106)

                        58th TIS (4x F-16)


Ninth Air Force - Saudi Arabia

            1st Tactical Fighter Wing - Saudi Arabia

                        94th TFS  (4x F-15)

                        93rd TFS (5x F-16)

                        72nd TFS (3x F-16)

            4th Tactical Fighter Wing - Saudi Arabia

                        303rd TFS (4x A-10)

                        180th TFS (4x A-7)

                        23rd TFS (3x A-10)

            317th Tactical Airlift Wing - Saudi Arabia

                        357th TAS (4x C-130, 2x C-23)

                        756th TAS (3x C-130, 2x C-23)

                        81st WRS (2x WC-130)

                        32nd ARS (1x KC-10, 2x KC-130)

            19th Support Wing - Saudi Arabia

                        1721st CCS (4x Hughes 530)

                        1st AMES (4x UH-60)


Fifteenth Air Force - Lowry AFB, CO

            314th Airlift Wing - Tinker AFB, OK

                        352nd TAS (3x C-130)

                        436th TAS (3x C-130)

                        37th ARS (2x KC-130)

            60th Airlift Wing - Lowry AFB, CO

                        363rd MAS (3x C-141)

                        465th MAS (2x C-141)

                        662nd MAS (2x C-5)

                        58th ARS (3x KC-10)

            552nd Support Wing - Lowry AFB, CO

                        552nd AWACS (2x E-3)

                        546th WRS (3x WC-130)


Twentieth Air Force - Warren AFB, WY

            44th Strategic Missile Wing (1 Minuteman) - Ellsworth AFB, SD

            90th Strategic Missile Wing (2 Minuteman) - Warren AFB, WY

            321st Strategic Missile Wing (4 Minuteman) - Grand Forks AFB, ND

            341st Strategic Missile Wing (2 Minuteman) - Malmstrom AFB, MT

            96th Bomber Wing - Grand Forks AFB, ND

                        463rd SBS (3x B-52)

                        587th SBS (1x B-1, 1x B-2)

                        46th ARS (3x KC-10)

                        1st SRS (1x SR-71)
Steven T. Charlton
[email protected]
I don't recall installing this "General Protection Fault" Screen Saver
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