On the 20th we went back to Kiwanis. It was only Nathan and I this time.

N= Nathan
BJ= Me

BJ: Is anyone there?

N: Is anybody there?

O: Yes. M (points to woman, then points to sun)

BJ: This is Mary's son?


N: Is this William?

BJ: It was Willard dude, not William. Is this Willard?

O: Willie.

BJ: Willie...heheh...okay.

N: Is...what was his sister's name, is your sister with you?

O: Zettie. Yes.

BJ: Zettie, that was it. We've found your graves now right?

O: Yes.

BJ: What do you want us to do?

Then the pointer turned and pointed at me and started coming toward me and stopped at the edge of the board.

BJ: You want
me to do something?

O: Tell.

N: Tell?

BJ: Tell about you guys?

O: Yes.

BJ: Tell what?

O: 6 rebs.

BJ: About the six rebels killing Mary? What happened?

Then it spelled out 6 rebs, and pointed at the sun. Then it spelled out Willie, Zettie, and Mary and pointed at the moon. Then it started going back and forth between the moon and the sun really quickly. Considering they are on opposite sides of the Ouija, this was quite an experience.

BJ: Okay, okay...you're saying the sun means white and the moon means black and the rebs were white and you guys are all black, right?


BJ: If they are white then why are they buried with you guys?

O: Owned us.

BJ: They owned you?

O: Yes.

BJ: Wasn't slavery over by then?

Then it spelled out 6 rebs, and pointed at the sun again, but faster this time. Then it spelled out Willie, Zettie, and Mary and pointed at the moon again, much faster. Then it started going back and forth between the moon and the sun really quickly all over again. It felt almost panic stricken.

BJ: Okay, okay, okay...calm down...just chill...

O: Owned us.

BJ: Okay they owned you. Why did they kill Mary?

O: Sun. 6 rebs. Moon. M. Woman. Willie.

BJ: The attack on Mary...AN ATTACK on Mary from the six rebel white men, before, when she was young, that's where you came from?

O: (slowly, very slowly it moved)Yes.

N: Oh man...

BJ: That's awful. And no one believed her?

O: Yes.

BJ: Because she was black?

O: Yes.

BJ: She tried to tell, she tried to let people know what they did and that's why she was killed?

O: Yes.

BJ: Man....what can we do about it?

Then the pointer turned and pointed at me once more and started coming toward me and stopped at the edge of the board.

BJ: Okay what can I do about it?

O: Tell.

BJ: Tell the story like I have told others? Post it on my computer?

O: Yes. Tell.

BJ: Should I put the pictures up I have taken?

O: Yes.

BJ: I'll be doing good by doing this?

O: Yes. Make Mary happy.

BJ: It will make Mary happy?

O: Yes.

At this point I'll admit, this surly Biker looking individual for one had tears welling up in his eyes and as I looked across the board at my 16 year old skater brother, he did too. I can't explain the feelings I had right then, but as I write this part, I'm having them again. I really wish there was some way for you guys to share in that moment with us. It was truly, truly, one of the most awesome moments of my life. I'm fighting off the tears even now...

BJ: Thank you, thank you very much. I will tell. Don't worry, I will tell.

O: Thank you. Goodbye. Goodnight.

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