Nathan and I went back out to Kiwanis on the 18th. We were decidedly going to find Mary's grave this day. We had plenty of daylight and decided to stop by Kiwanis to ask a few questions before we went out to Maplewood Cemetery.

We set the Ouija board up and started asking questions.

N= Nathan
BJ= Me
O= Ouija

N: Is anyone there?

O: Yes. WXYZ. Mary (Points to sun).

BJ: WXYZ Kevin's friend? Or Mary's son?

O: Yes.

BJ: WXYZ IS Mary's son?

O: Yes.

N: Oh, wow.

BJ: Okay, are you guys still wanting us to go find your graves?

O: Yes.

N: And we should go out to that cemetery?

BJ: We should go out to Maplewood out behind the Health Department?

O: Yes.

Then the planchette slid off the board across the table's surface and out toward the driveway of the park, as it had

done many times before, coming to a stop in Nathan's hand completely off the table.

BJ: Okay, we're headed out there then. Can you give us the specifics of where the grave is located? Where do we need

to go in the cemetery?

O: East.

BJ: Uh, okay, but how do we tell which way is east once we get out there. Do we need to go to the front or back part

of the cemetery?

O: Back.

BJ: okay, is it on the side by the projects?

O: Yes.

N: Well, the whole cemetery is over "by" the projects.

O: Yes.

BJ: Do you want to wait here or do you want to say goodbye?

O: Goodbye.

SO off we went. I drove over to Maplewood and we drove to the back part of the cemetery and we got out and started looking. We were looking for a grave with the name Mary and a death date of 1953 with a Jim nearby with the same last name because she had talked about Jim to Nathan before.

We wandered around for over an hour looking at grave after grave after grave with no such luck. Then I got an idea. We went back to the truck and decided to set up the board in there and ask if it could direct us. It pointed us over to where the only other person was in the cemetery, a man was using a metal detector way off from us.

BJ: Does it have anything to do with that guy?

O: No.

N: What's that guy's name?

O: George.

N: I'm gonna' **** myself if that guy's name is George.

BJ: Heheheh.

BJ: Is it over there where the power pole is and stuff, like in the area where the power pole is, is it in the center of it?

O: Yes.

Then the pointer turned and pointed right in the direction of the power pole I had been talking about.

BJ: Okay then, we're going to go look.

O: Ok.

BJ: Do you wa...

O: Goodbye.

BJ: Alrighty then...

So we got back out of the truck and walked across the rear of the cemetery. As we passed the guy with the metal detector, Nathan looked at him and said,

"Hey George."

"Well, hey..." the guy said.

"Is your name George? My Dad's a minister over at Miller's Chapel and we thought we recognized you from church," I said.

"Well, naw, I never been out there. I'm just out here looking for an old baseball diamond used to be out here that the coloreds played on." (Sorry about the slight racist remark, we do live in Kentucky and most people here are quite ignorant.)

"Oh, well we're looking for the grave of a Mary Nuzaru. She was supposed to have died in 1953. We're doing some checking because we found some markers out by our house and were just wondering." I fibbed a bit. I could have told him the Ouija led us out here and then ran like Hell when he called the cops on us for being "Satun Wurshipurs"

"Nuzaru huh? Naw, sounds like some black name. Not from around here...hmmmm. If she's out there she's out there in the old colored part of the cemetery."

"They had the cemetery segregated?" I said as I then prayed he could comprehend what the word "segregated" meant.

"Yeah, they had all of it all apart from each other. This black cemetery isn't even in the Mayfield city limits."

"Really?"(I checked. He's right. The city limits end right as you cross into the "Black Cemetery".)

"Yep. If she's out here, with a name like that, she'd hafta' be over there."

"Thanks,"and we walked on over to the area where the power pole was.

Something I just thought of while writing this. He never said his name WASN'T George. He said he had not been out to Miller's Chapel. You may **** yourself now Nathan.

We looked for quite some time and had quite frankly gotten to the point of grasping at straws. Looking for names similar to Mary; Margret, Marylin, etc. and dates close to 1953. Then, Nathan found her. Mary(I won't give last names due to the privacy of the family and the circumstances surrounding their deaths). 1884-1953. Right there. Next to her was her son and daughter. Willard and Zettie. W(illard)xyZ(ettie). It wasn't saying WXYZ all those times. It was W and Z. It only ever stopped on those two letters. I took some pics and we walked back to the truck.

BJ: Are you still there?

O: Yes.

N: Were those graves right?

O: Yes.

BJ: Who are those other people buried in the same plot as you?

O: 6 rebs.

N: Six rebels?

O: Yes.

BJ: Are they bad people?

O: Yes.

N: Are they the ones who killed Mary? The six rebels?

O: Yes.

BJ: Nuzaru. That wasn't the last name on the stone. What is that?

O: 6 rebs.

BJ: It's the name of the rebels?

N: There are six letters in Nuzaru. Are these the initials of the first names of the rebels?

O: Yes.

BJ: Well, it's getting late, we need to leave here before we get into trouble for being out here after dark, Okay?

O: Ok. Goodbye. (then it pointed at the moon)Goodnight.

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