On the 16th we went back out. This time it was Nathan, Jacob, Richard, and I going to Kiwanis park. We got there and I could almost immediately tell we wouldn't make the type of progress that we had made the night before because Richard and Jacob simply lack the ability to take anything seriously. Richard I think it's because he's afraid. Jacob I think it's because he gets bored with it.

Richard wouldn't touch the board, all he would do is shout profanities at it. Jacob put his fingers on the planchette, but most of the time, he was talking to Richard not even paying attention to what was going on. He just had his hand on it.

BJ= Me
N= Nathan
J= Jacob
R= Richard

N: Is there anyone there?

O: Mary (points at sun).

BJ: Is this Mary's son?

O: Yes.

N: How are you today?

The planchette turned and pointed at Jacob. Mary had told us before that Jacob reminded her of her son.

BJ: Not WHO are you today, heheheh, but HOW are you today?

J: Shut up BJ, heheheh.

O: OK.

BJ: So what was the deal with Mary leaving last night?

O: Other field.

BJ: She's on the other side of the open field?

O: Yes.

N: Just hanging out with all the other dead people?

O: Yes.

BJ: So she had to go back?

O: Yes.

BJ: Was her time up?

O: Yes.

N: Well, when will she be back?

Then the pointer started to turn out toward the driveway of the park (in a different direction this time than last because we were sitting at a different table in the back of the park) and run off the board going toward the edge of the table.

BJ: Yes we know you want us to go out to the cemetery over there, but it's too late tonight. We promise to go next time. When will Mary be able to talk to us again?

N: How many days?

O: 43

Then we took the time to explain to Richard and Jacob about Mary directing us out 7th street to the cemetery and all of that.

N: Mary is buried out there right?

O: Yes.

BJ: Are you?

O: Yes.

N: You've given us a phone number once before, can you give us a phone number of one of your friends that are still alive and we can actually talk to?

O: Yes.

Then it started to try and give a phone number, but was taking quite some time. Richard started swearing at it again and being all goofy and the pointer stopped moving. I asked,

BJ: Do you like Richard?

O: NO.

BJ: Do you want to hurt him?

O: I'd sure like to.

Then Nathan, Jacob, and I all laughed at Richard telling him that Mary's son was gonna' follow him home and whip his ass. Then a car pulled into the park.

R: Oh no...

BJ: Is that Nicole(Richard's ex)?

O: Yes.

BJ: Is she going to come over here and harass Richard?

O: Yes.

Nicole and one of her friends came over and talked to us for awhile. We asked if the Ouija knew either one of them and it said no. They were creeped out by the Ouija and didn't want to touch it so they left.

Then we asked about the phone number again and it gave us one. I had never heard of this number's prefix from around here but thought it might be a cel phone or something. No one else would call it so I used Richard's phone to call.

BJ: Whom should I ask for?

O: Austin.

The phone rang and rang and rang. It must have rang about 25 times. Just as I had decided to hang up the phone, there was a click,

"Hello?" A little old woman answered the phone.

"Hello, may I please speak to Austin?"

"He's not here right now."

"Okay, thank you," and I hung up.

I told them all that it was Austin's number he just wasn't there right then and we all had a little party that we had found another conformation that this wasn't all just B.S.

We turned back to the board.

N: He wasn't home.

O: Try later.

BJ: Okay...hehehe...

Then the Ouija started to count down the numbers like before, but Richard stopped it. He started swearing at it again and I asked if the Ouija wanted him to leave and it said yes. He needed to go over to Wal-Mart so he left.

BJ: You really don't like him do you?

O: No.

"Let's ask it something that none of us know?" Jacob said.

None of us knew Richard's middle name so we decided on that. The Ouija told us it was Dean, then we called Richard on his cel and asked him and he said yeah that was right. We asked if he spelled it D-E-A-N and he said yes. We then told him the Ouija guessed it and he said "Oh **** that stupid ghost."

When Richard got back we called the phone number again. Nathan called this time. He said a woman answered but it wasn't an old woman like had answered before when I called. She said Austin should be back in a little while. So we turned to the board again...

N: He's still not there.

O: GO.

BJ: Go where?

O: GO. 6 6 6. 6 6 6. 66666666666666 D E M O N.

At this point the planchette was moving VERY quickly and we all got a bit nervous I admit.

BJ: There's a demon here?


N: Is he trying to take over our Ouija?


So we said goodbye and it went to goodbye and we removed our hands from the board. We tried the phone number again. Richard called, and this time a little girl answered (so this now makes an old woman, a young woman, and a little girl) she said that Austin didn't live there and she hung up. Richard was like, WHAT THE HELL, and immediately called back. This time it said the number was incorrect, to please check the number and dial again. So he checked his speed dial, it was the same number we had been dialing all along. He dialed again, but now, the number was disconnected or no longer in service. I have theories on this, but we still haven't figured this one out.

We turned to the board once more and asked,

N: Is the demon still here?

O: No.(It was moving MUCH, MUCH more slowly now)

BJ: Are you okay?

O: Yes.

R: Can you give us another phone number?

O: No.

BJ: Are you tired of doing these parlor tricks?

J: Don't ask it that!

R: Yeah, for real...

N: Okay, okay, can you tell us what time it says it is on Richard's cel phone?

O: 9 2 6

It was right. Exactly right when Richard pulled his cel phone out of his pocket and checked the time. Then Richard wanted to leave RIGHT THEN, so we said we were going to go and it went to goodbye.

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