On June 15th, four nights ago, I started trying to communicate with Mary. Nathan and I went out to the park where she was most prevalent and here's what happened...

BJ= me

N= Nathan

O= Ouija(Mary)

BJ: Is anyone there?

N: Is anyone there?

O: Yes. Mary.

N: Hi Mary, how are you tonight?

Then the planchette pointed away from the park out toward the drive way.

"It does this all the time when we're out here and we can't figure out why," Nathan told me.

BJ: Do you want us to leave and stop asking questions?

O: No.

We noticed it wasn't getting very dark in the park and Nathan said aloud, "Boy, it sure isn't getting very dark out here."

"Yeah I know. It's these automatic lights here and in the parking lot. Maybe they'll get more dim or go out later," I said.

Then the one directly behind us flashed and went out.

N: Did you do that.

O: No.

BJ: Oh. What did?

O: Demon.

Nathan and I looked at each other like "UHHHHH...CRAP" then the Ouija said,

O: H A H A.

N: Thought that was funny eh?

O: Yes.

BJ: Where are you at? Can you turn the pointer to where you are standing?

O: Yes.

The pointer then turned and pointed right beside me to the right of me. I looked over at the empty space beside me and then the pointer started to turn and point at me. Then it started to come towards me. I was like, "Woah.." then it veered off to the left and went around to the side of the table.

N: So you're right over there?

O: Yes.

BJ: Can I take a picture of you?

O: Yes.

BJ: COOL...Will you show up in the picture?

O: Yes.

N: Can you (Nathan gets up and walks to a spot beside the table) stand right here where I am at so he can take your picture?

O: No.

BJ&N: Uhhhh...

N: Okay, do you not want him to take your picture?

"Dude, she may not understand that question, it was worded oddly," I said.

N: He can take your picture right?

O: Yes.

BJ: And you'll show up in it?

O: Yes.

BJ: Okay, turn the pointer to where you are at.

Then the planchette pointed away from the park again out toward the drive way and slid off the board and eventually slid completely off the table.

"See, there it goes doing that crap again and we don't know why," Nathan said.

BJ: Are standing over there?

O: No.

We then drew some arrows on a piece of paper in a compass style and asked her to point out the one that was showing where she was. She slid the pointer over the one pointing to the left and I took a few pics there. In the first pic I took, there was a small white light in it where there should have been none.

BJ: Cool, thank you.

O: Yor(you're) welcome.

I then tried getting some more good pics but nothing would show up. Then as I was taking pictures, we heard a sound. It sounded like either someone tapping VERY hard on some hollow plastic or possibly gunshots from far away.

"What was that?"

"I dunno," I said.

N: Did you do that?

O: Yes.

BJ: Can you do it again?

O: Yes.

**tap tap taptapatap**


N: Can you do it one more time?

O: Yes.

N: Okay, this time, count the numbers on the board down to one and do it after you reach one, okay?

O: 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

Then we heard........absolutely nothing.

N: Why didn't you do it again?

BJ: You didn't make those noises did you?

O: No.

BJ: Why did you tell us you did then?

The planchette once again pointed away from the park out toward the drive way and slid off the board and eventually slid completely off the table into Nathan's hand.

BJ: Does it have something to do with those houses over there?

O: No. (Then it pointed to the sun in the upper corner of the board.)

N: Your son is over there in that house?

O: No.

BJ: Do you want us to leave?

O: Yes.

BJ: You want us to go and not ask anymore questions tonight?

O: No.

N: What do you want us to do then?

The planchette again pointed away from the park out toward the drive way and slid off the board and slid completely off the table into Nathan's hand.

We just sat and looked at each other for a second.

BJ: Do you want us to go some place in particular?

O: Yes.

N: You want us to leave the park and go somewhere else?

O: Yes.

"Cool! We never could figure that out why it did that all the time!" Nathan said.

BJ: Okay, I used to deliver pizza here in town. I know Mayfield fairly well, can you give me the road name?

O: North 7th.

N: You want us to go out North 7th street?

Then we heard those taps/shots again.

N: Are those gunshots?

O: Yes.

BJ: Do you want us to go check those out?

O: Yes.

BJ: On North 7th street?

O: Yes.

N: Will any harm come to us if we go check the noises out?

O: Yes.

Nathan and I were again all scared looking at each other like, "What do we do now?"

O: No.

BJ: Oh, so we'll be okay if we go?

O: Yes.


O: Rgt(right).

So we asked if it wanted to say goodbye and it slid to goodbye and we left. As we drove up town we looked for anything that could be causing the noises, but saw nothing. We drove all the way from one end of South 7th street until we got to North 7th street, then we drove the length of that, DEAD ENDING AT A CEMETERY.

We would have gone out into the cemetery but this particular one has a standing posted "dusk 'till dawn" rule and I suggested we go back to the park and ask if that's what we were to look for.

We got back and asked if that was correct and she said yes. Then, we got "WXYZ Kevin's friend" (who, I'm proud to say we figured out who he was today but I'll get to that later.) He said he was tired and we should go. Mary didn't talk with us anymore, but we did find out from her before she left that she was "going back" for awhile and would be back later. We asked if we should go and it said yes, so we said goodbye and thank you and left.

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