Nathan and his friend Jarrod were trying to talk to Mary by asking for her by name at Nathan's home last Friday, which was the 13th no less, and here's what happened:


N: Mary are you there?

O: Yes.

N: How are you today?

O: Angry.

The pointer started moving more quickly. Then it started going through the alphabet quickly in order and counted down the numbers, stopping at each one quickly, Nathan made it stop before it got to the end and asked...

N: What are you doing? Is this really Mary?

O: No.

N: What are you doing? Who are you?

O: WXYZ. (Then it would point at the people in the corner on the board. After going through this several times, he figured out this is the only form of a "name" that this spirit ever gives.)

N: Why are you counting down like that?

O: One you C(see) dies.

N: Someone I have seen is going to die?

O: Yes.

N: Someone I know?

O: No. CN(seen).

N: Someone I've seen?

O: Yes.

N: So, someone I've seen, sometime, somewhere, in my life is going to die when you count down like that?

O: Yes. Pray.

N: I should pray?

O: Aftr(after) count. Pray.

N: Pray after you count down?

O: Yes.

So the pointer starts going across the board more quickly and Nathan and Jarrod are scared and it's going faster and faster. Then, it starts counting...

O: 0. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.


I kid you guys not, there was a HUGE sound in my brother's kitchen. It sounded like something had jumped very hard on the floor and the dogs in my parent's house started going absolutely nuts, running around and barking, then they all stopped in the kitchen and looked up in the air toward the center of the room. Jarrod and Nathan, needless to say, were praying as hard as they possibly could.

N: Did you do that?

O: Yes.

N: You scared us half to death.

O: Meant 2(to). Angry.

N: You're angry? At us?

O: No. Frstrted U.

N: You are frustrated with us?

O: Yes

Then it gave them a seven digit number.

N: Is this a phone number?

O: Yes.

N: You want us to call it?

O: Kevin has been bad.

N: My friend Kevin?

O: My.

N: You had a friend named Kevin?

O: Yes. Kevin has been bad.

N: Did he kill you?


N: What's that?

O: Tell Kevin. He will understand.

N: Call him and tell him CRKC?

O: Yes.

N: Now?

O: 0. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

Then ambulances went by the house. Jarrod and Nathan prayed hard again.

O: Yes. Go.

N: Do you want to say goodbye or just wait here?


Nathan went and called the number they were given. The lady said that she had only lived there for a little over a year, and the man that lived there before her, she thought he was in jail. Nathan asked if his name was Kevin something and she said yes she thought that was correct.

Nathan then went and told Jarrod what happened and they sat back down at the board.

N: Are you still here?

O: Yes.

N: I couldn't talk to Kevin. He's in jail.

O: I know. Frgt(forgot).

N: You forgot he was in jail?

O: Yes.

N: I'm sorry.

O: You C(see) my car.

N: I've seen your car?

O: Yes.

N: When?

O: 8 wks(weeks).

N: Eight weeks ago?

O: Yes.

Then they wrapped it up and said goodbye. Nathan and Jarrod were talking the next day and realized they had gone to a junk yard about eight weeks earlier looking for parts for Jarrod's car and had commented on a car that was all torn up. It had been there for a couple of years and they, when talking to the guy at the junkyard, found out that two guys were driving it when one of them, the driver, driving drunk no less, had wrecked and killed his best friend. The driver was in jail now for the death of his friend.

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