The following is what my brother told me today.....

48 days ago my friends got together and were messing with a Ouija board at my friends house. My friend lives right next door to a grave yard, and his room is said to be an "open field". Giving spirits easy access to the inside and outside of his house. My friends for days and days were telling me stories on how they would "ouija" and how cool it was. All of the strange things that were happening were being told to me and I began having strange dreams about June 2nd. Then my friends were telling me how the board said "50 days ... Goodbye". This was at the time, 50 days from June 2nd. Then 25 days later my friends had gotten together and they said that first thing the board said was "25 days". My dreams got stronger, and here's what happened in my dreams.

I would be sitting at a table, or riding in a car. One or the other. I would then just pull a slip of paper out of my pocket, the paper would have this written on it: "25 days...are you nervous?" The number of days left on the paper were counting down every night. Me and my friends realized that this number was counting down to June 2nd.

20 days away from June second, my friend got a text message on his cell phone. The message said "20 days." There was no call back number and all there was for the persons name was a question mark. This is impossible to come from another cell phone or home phone. But it could be easily done from a computer while online. I just thought this was coincidental.

I didn't have any dreams or thoughts about this that I can recall until 8 days ago. 10 days from June 2nd. I decided to finally get some guts, and mess with the ouija board myself. The first thing the ouija board did was say, "10 days... Goodbye." I thought this was a little strange. We were at my house, and the board then said "Hav to huri not an opin feld". We decided this said "Have to hurry not an open field." This made me feel better about the whole ghost thing, because now I kind of knew that the ghosts didn't have easy access into my home.

My next experience was with my girlfriend. I will tell you this by O - Meaning what the ouija says, and N - meaning what I said, L - what Lyndsay said.


N:Hi, what is your name?

O:Seth Keiger new face?

N:New face?

O:Yes (It then began rotating on the board, and pointing at my girlfriend.)

N:Oh... This is Lyndsay.

O:Ok hi

L:Hi, so can you see us right now?


N:Are you here all the time?


N:In my room?

O:No the world


The conversation went on and Seth told us about how his son had died and went to hell. Seth said he wasn't in Heaven or Hell, he had committed suicide. His punishment for this was to know that his family was spending all eternity in Hell. He also told us how sad he was about his son being in Hell. Lyndsay had made a crack earlier about him (Seth) being glad he wasn't in Hell because it was "Sure warm down there" now she felt terrible (about his family). It began getting late and we told him we had to go, so he said "goodbye".

Yesterday was the last time I had messed with a ouija board. We were next to a family graveyard, we sat from 6:30 - 8:30 with nothing happening. The only thing that ever happened in that time period was the piece kept on scrolling onto the moon in the upper right corner. When night fell, the board began giving us responses to our questions. We said "Is anyone there?" And it said "Yes", we asked it its name and it said "KIK 0" (The number zero)
"Kik 0?" We asked, and it went to "Yes." We asked it if it could see us, it said yes, we asked it if it was close by, it said yes, and then we asked if it could touch us, and it said yes. I video taped this entire session by the way. I then set up a disposable camera off the ouija board, and asked the spirit to knock it over, the ouija piece went across the board and knocked the camera over. Then I asked "Where are you" he said "You figure it out."

Later we asked what time it was, "8:56" was its response. Kevin looked at his cell phone which was in his pocket and it said 9:03, Kevin then said "You're off buddy." Then Kevins cell phone stayed at 9:03 for more than one minute, the ouija board then said "I'm 6 minutes off" I then asked again where are you, and it said "Head" and Kevin said "Above us?" and it said "Yes". then we asked "How far above us" and it said "4" and we said "Feet?" and it said "Yes" and I said "So you are standing and we are sitting?" And it said "Yes" I then asked "Are you on the right side of me or left side of me?" It went to the R and I looked up about 4 feet above my head where someone standing eye level would be. I said "So am I looking at you right now?" And it said "Yes" It was standing right in front of where my camera was sitting. My camera's light then shut off along with the camera itself, I asked "Did you do that?" and it said "Yes" Lauren, Kevin's girlfriend then said "Lets go" Then the ouija board said "No" And I said "Why not" and it replied with "Goodbye."

It's now 2 days from June second, yesterday was the first time that I had used the ouija board and it didn't count down to that day.

As for "Kik0", it sounded very familiar and I have found this information.

Allegedly the ultimate "healing art" from Japan. Shinkiko is an "intuitive medical science" founded by Masato Nakagawa, Ph.D. Somewhat similar to Qigong, it purportedly involves application of "Shin-ki" ("healing-energy"). Supposedly, Shinkiko "therapists" can tap a "limitless universal energy source." The Japanese word "shin" refers to an soul-like "divine spirit." ("Kiko" means Qigong.)

Qigong is a self-healing art that combines movement and meditation.

So, "Shin" refers to a soul-like divine spirit and "Kiko" means the skill of attracting vital energy, a self-healing art that combines movement and meditation.

Kiko...the attraction of vital energy. I'd call a spirit vital wouldn't you?

By the way, I just watched the video of my brother and his two friends doing this..these kids are scared as Hell...

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