Since my last post, I am absolutely fine and Demetrious has moved on and been freed from the board. The guy I sold it to took care of him and thanked me for the opportunity to purchase the board and do that work. Apparently he was into religious relics and the occult fairly heavily and knew more what to do in that situation than I.

We have a new Ouija board now and used it a few nights ago in the parking lot of a Wal-Mart. Nathan and I were up front and his friend Sean was in the back of Nathan's car and we placed the board between us on the arm rest in the front seat.


N: Is anyone there?

S: Hello?

BJ: If anyone is here with us let us know...

O: Yes.

N: Who is this?

O: He knows...(planchette points at me)

BJ: I do?

O: Yes.

S: So, who is it then Beege?

BJ: Hell if I know...wait...gimme a second...

At this point I closed my eyes, and corny as it may sound, tried to concentrate on the energy in the vehicle...

BJ: Is this the "Disappeared Boy" from my house?

O: Yes.

N: Oh, cool...

BJ: Hi, so what's up?

O: I am here, I am also with your son.

BJ: Okay.

N: How can he do that?

S: Is he going back and forth really fast?

BJ: No, spirits can bi-locate, meaning they can physically actually "be" in two or more places at once if they want.

S: Oh.

N: Okay...

BJ: Can you see Logan?

O: Of course.

BJ: What's he doing?

O: Watching TV. I watch with him.

N: Where are you in his room?

O: Yes.

N: NO, I know you're in his room with him, but where are you in his room exactly?

O: Don't tell Logan. HE will be afraid. Don't want to scare him.

BJ: I won't.

S: So where are you.

O: I go under his bed.

BJ: Under his bed? Why?

O: To play. Toys under there.

N: You play with the toys under his bed?

O: Yes.

BJ: Do you ever hear Cyn (my wife) talking to you?

O: No.

BJ: I don't know how to say DO know you're dead right?

O: Yes.

BJ: DO you know that you can move on and be with your Dad?

O: Yes. Don't want to.

N: Why not?

O: Logan.

BJ: Because you want to stay and play with Logan?

O: Yes.

BJ: How long have you been a ghost?

O: 9 years.(Note: As far as I know, they do not experience time in the same way we do or are even aware of it unless it is brought to their attention, so I assume this is an incorrect statement. As you can see I move on from the time issue.)

BJ: Have you been there at our house the whole time?

O: No. With Marshall.

BJ: Marshall?! You were with him?(Marshall is a teenager that lived with my wife and I when Logan was first born. We took him in because his parent's were abusive to him.)

O: No. Came with him. Played with brothers.

N: used to play with Marshall's younger brothers?

O: Yes. Then went to Logan with Marshall.

BJ: Oh...well, what's your name?

O: Aaron.

S: What's Logan doing now?

O: Left.

N: He left?

O: Yes.

BJ: Can you do something to let him know you are there? Like, when he comes back in the room, can you poke him in the shoulder or something?

O: No. That is mean.

BJ: Well I didn't mean to hurt him actually, just tap him a bit.

O: No, don't want to scare.

N: Okay...can you move something in his room so we know you were in there?

O: Yes.

BJ: Can you open a drawer in his room and tell us what's in the drawer then leave the drawer open?

O: Yes.

BJ: Okay. Do that.

BJ: Did you do it?

O: Yes.

BJ: Which one? Did you open one of the plastic colored ones?

O: No. Wood. Metal. White.

BJ: Oh, the one his TV sits on?

O: Yes.

BJ: Which drawer did you open?

O: Middle.

N: Okay, what's inside it?

Nothing....the planchette didn't move at all. We waited for a bit as it had been fairly regular until that point.

N: Hello? What's inside of the drawer?

BJ: Are you still there?

O: Yes. Machine.

S: A machine? There's a machine in the drawer?

O: Yes.

BJ: I think maybe Logan has his Genesis or Nintendo in one of those drawers or something, I dunno....

N: Heh...that would be cool...

BJ: Is Logan back?

O: No.

N: What's he doing?

O: Bathroom.

S: Are you watching him poop?

O: No. Nasty. H A H A.

O: He is back.

BJ: What's he doing now?

O: Laying down on bed watching TV.

BJ: I guess he's getting tired.

O: Yes.

BJ: Do you play with his toys after he goes to sleep?

O: No, don't want to wake him scare him.

S: So you just stay under his bed all night?

O: No. I watch TV.

BJ: His TV? It gets turned off most of the time after he goes to sleep. DO you turn it back on?

O: No. Gary.

BJ: go over to GARY'S and watch TV after Logan goes to sleep?

O: Yes. Don't want to wake him.

BJ: What about Gary? What about waking him up?

O: Don't care. H A H A.

We all found this highly amusing to say the least. We wrapped it up with Aaron and said goodbye and thanked him, then went inside to buy what we needed. We came back to the car and drove home. As soon as we got in the door we went quietly into Logan's room and he was asleep and his television was off.

There, lying in the only partially open middle drawer of his white dresser, was his unhooked Super Nintendo and a couple of extra controllers. They were the only things in the drawer and it was the only drawer in the room open.
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