Okay, as for the updating of the info on what happened in the paper in the following days, I'm still not 100% sure as there is no online archive for our local newspaper, so I need to do more research at the library. As far as I can tell, no crimes/deaths of significance happened to anyone matching the name(s) she gave me in the days after. Now due to the source and possible miscommunication, I could have been off a letter or two and have taken that into account and have done a great deal of searching and cross-searching, trying any and all possibilities and haven't found anything yet, which is quite discouraging, but I'm still checking into it.

Also of note to this topic, our Ouija is pretty much ethereally screwed. Demetrious has decided to graft himself to the board we have and WILL not leave and tries to block anyone else from getting through. He just says "Hey white ****ers" and curses at us and won't leave. After the last incident when he threatened my brother Nay and his friends, he said he would never go away, and he hasn't. He's all we can get on it now. We have decided to sell our Ouija on Ebay or something and buy a new one.

Last night was the 29th. This was the day they told us to come back and try again, so, meeting up with my brother Nathan and I with the now selling Ouija in tow, showed up around 5:30. We sat down at one of the tables in Kiwanis Park and got started.


BJ: Is anyone there?

O: Yes.

N: Who is it?

O: Demetrious.

BJ: How are you today?

O: Sad.

BJ: Why?

O: Don't sell Ouija.

BJ: What? Don't sell the Ouija board? Why do you care?

O: Miss you.

N: You'll miss us? Heh...

BJ: Yeah I thought you hated us White ****ers.

N: Yeah.

O: Just joking. Been good to me.

BJ: Oh, so you think its funny to mess around with us like that and curse at us and stuff?

N: That's just your way of joking with us your sense of humor?

O: Yes. Don't sell.

BJ: Why would that bother you though? Are you afraid whomever I sell it to is going to be mean or something?

O: No. I'm stuck. Miss you.

N: You're stuck?

BJ: In the Ouija?

O: Yes.

BJ: Well how did you get stuck?

O: Richard told me I could possess his human body. He pulled his hand away too soon and I stuck.

N: I remember that.

BJ: Yeah me too when he was all being stupid and taunting the Ouija and stuff. So what can we do?

O: Let me out.

BJ: How?

O: Let me possess one of you then touch something and I'll flow through it and be free.


BJ: You're ****ING CRAZY.

At this point we took our hands off the planchette for a moment and discussed the "Holy ****" of the situation we now found ourselves in. Neither one of us wanted to do it so freely so we turned back to the Ouija for more questions about the situation.

N: When you say possess, do you mean you'll actually have full control over our body?

O: No.

BJ: How do we know that if we do this you'll actually leave our body and flow through whatever we touch?

O: Inanimate object.

BJ: Okay, say we touch that trash can over there after you do this, then you'll just flow right through us and be free to leave?

O: Yes.

BJ: How can we be assured that you WILL leave our body?

O: Pray. C my Zach. Belt Photon. War starts 2012.


We removed our hands from the planchette once again to talk to each other.

BJ: What the Hell was that crap?

N: I dunno....there was a Zach one other time though, somebody said something about a Zach out here once before.

BJ: Yeah. What's this Belt Photon crap? A war starting in 2012? What the Hell?

N: I dunno...

Placing our hands back on the planchette we asked...

N: What is the Belt Photon?

O: In space, spirit energy.

BJ: Okay what does that have to do with a war starting in 2012? And what does that have to do with you not leaving our body?

O: War in 2012. Photon Belt. I take you with me.

N: So when this war breaks out in 2012, and the Photon Belt passes in space, you will take whoever lets you do this with you?

O: Yes.

BJ: That is to say, if you DON'T leave our body like you say you will.

O: Yes.

BJ: Well, what if you don't leave, and what if we don't want to go with you in 2012?

O: Short ****.

We got a good laugh out of that...lol....

At this point, one of Nathan's friends, Jacob, pulled up in his car and came walking over to where we were. We stopped long enough to tell him what was going on with the Ouija. We then tried to talk him into letting Demetrious possess him long enough to pass through him, but he told us we were crazy while nervously laughing and said no. So we feigned disappointment (really who in their right mind is going to just AGREE to something like that) laughed with him, then went back to it as he sat down next to Nathan on the other side of the table to watch.

N: Well, I'm going to let you do it.

BJ: WHAT? Are you sure man?

N: Yeah...I think...

BJ: Oh ****.

N: So what do I need to do? Don't I need to say something?

O: Don't want to. Been good to me. It will hurt.

N: Really?

BJ: Like, how bad?

O: He'll puke.

BJ: So you don't want to do it to Nathan? He says its okay though. He'll be alright.

N: So what do I need to say?

O: Possess me.

BJ: That's it?

O: Yes.

N: Okay then, POSSESS ME.

The wind had been blowing fairly harshly all day long and since the sun had gone down it had gotten quite cold. Nathan already had his jacket on and I could tell he was visibly shaking.

I stood back away from the table and started taking pictures. If something was about to go down, I was going to get it on camera. Nathan repeated aloud the words "Possess me." several times with his hands on the planchette, but said he never felt anything. He kept saying how nervous he was though, as Jacob and I could see, he was shaking quite alot. Neither of us were that cold though. Then, he stopped shaking. He said he felt kind of warm, and then his stomach started to cramp. He started to feel sick. Nathan stood up and went over to the trash can and I said "Touch it! Tell him to go on, he can be free now!" Nathan started to vomit and was coughing like crazy. To tell you the truth, I was more than a bit worried about my brother at that moment and time. I didn't know if he was about to choke to death or what. It was pretty damn scary. I kept saying "Touch the damn thing!" as Nathan was coughing and gagging and slapping the Hell out of the trash can with a waving arm. Jacob had got up and went quite far away from us and the table. He was just saying "Holy ****! Holy ****!" the whole time.

After a few minutes of this, Nathan calmed down a bit and stopped gagging and coughing so much. We sat down and tried the Ouija again.

BJ: Is anyone there?

N: Maybe I better say it...Is anyone there?


BJ: Demetrious? Are you still there man?

Still nothing...we took our hands away and talked for a little bit about what had just happened. Jacob and I asked Nathan if he was going to be okay and he said yeah, that it just "really sucked" for a little while. Then we tried the Ouija again.

N: Is anyone there?

BJ: Hello?

O: Yes. Didn't work.


BJ: So he just went through all that for nothing?

O: He was too nervous. His body could not stand the strain.

N: So I won't work then?

O: No.

BJ: Damnit.....man, I really want to help you, but....awww...**** it...LISTEN I'll let you do this to me on one condition. You move this planchette with only MY hands on it and no one else, ONLY ME. You do that and I'll let you into me. GOT IT?

O: Yes.

BJ: Can you do that? ONLY ME.

O: Yes.

With that Nathan and Jacob moved away from the table and I with my hands on the planchette said:

BJ: Okay! Here's your chance man! C'mon! Let's do this! C'mon what're you waiting for lets go!

Absolutely NOTHING.

BJ: Demetrious? HELLO? Where'd you go man? C'mon we don't have all night...

Nothing....I sat there talking aloud as Nathan and Jacob got bored, cold, and hungry, and still not a damn thing happened. Nathan even sat back down with me and we tried again, still nothing. We didn't get anything else the rest of the night, it's like he's just gone now. The crappy little thought I have in the back of my head now is, so he's not there, where is he? Is he piggy-backing on me? I was the last one to talk to him, I was the last one touching the damn thing by myself, so is he in/on me now? That kind of sucks....but I didn't have any weird dreams last night and I feel just as normal (I use this term loosely) as I did yesterday...so I don't know. But it is a damn creepy thought. If and when I find out anything else, I'll let you guys know.

Here's some pics from last night:

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