On July 23rd we went back out to Kiwanis to communicate with Mary through the Ouija. She seemed kind of agitated that night. The planchette was moving VERY quickly and with more force than usual yet stopping ever so deliberately on each letter intended. Here's what went down.

R=Richard(although he never touched the planchette as usual)

N: Is anyone there?

BJ: Mary are you here?

O: Yes.

BJ: How are you?

O: Angry.

BJ: Why?

N: What's wrong?

O: Will lied.

BJ: He lied? Lied about what?

O: He helped KKK.

BJ: What? He helped them kill you? No way...

O: They made him. He helped.

BJ: Wait, is this Mary?

N: Yeah this isn't Demetrious messing with us again?

BJ: Who is this really?

O: Mary.

BJ: Okay, if this is Mary, then what's the name of your Great-Great Grandson that my wife has been seeing when she goes to physical therapy?

O: Howard.

N: Is that right? Is that his name?

BJ: Yep. Okay, it's you Mary, but wait, couldn't some other spirit have been following us around and know that? What's the name of his wife that is actually seeing the doctors?

O: The planchette pointed over "Mystifying"(I don't know). Not a blood relation.

BJ: Oh, ok....

N: So they made him help kill you?

O: Yes.

BJ: Well, how did he lie to us? He just didn't tell us that part and I can't say I blame him. He was still trying to help you through us. I did right by telling your story?

O: Yes. Thank you. Happy.

BJ: He was just ashamed of what he did, right?

O: Yes. Zettie too.

N: Zettie helped too?

O: No. She was scared. Still is.

BJ: Are they both afraid because the spirits of the Klan can still bother them out there?

O: Yes.

BJ: Man, that sucks...

O: Ask yourself three questions.

N: Ok.

O: Q1. Are you awake?

BJ&N: Yes.

O: Q2. Can you fly?

BJ&N: No.

O: Q3. Is the ground solid?

BJ&N: Yes.

N: You asked Richard and I these questions earlier today. Why do you keep asking them?

O: I asked myself after death these three questions. When I was alive and after death.

R: But why? Why do you keep asking us these questions?

BJ: Wait, wait, wait, guys....Mary? You are giving us these questions so we don't get stuck here right?


R&N: What?

BJ: Guys, she is telling us that we should ask ourselves these questions now and also after we die so we in fact KNOW we're dead and don't get stuck here in the "in between" being confused and not knowing if we're dead or not....RIGHT?


N: Wow.

BJ: Cool, thanks...

O: If alive, 1 and 3 are yes and 2 is no. If dead 1 and 3 are no and 2 is yes.

BJ: Thank you very much.

O: You're welcome.

N: Are you still angry?

O: Yes.

BJ: Why?

O: Montova.

N: That's that name she told us earlier.

BJ: Who is this Montova?


BJ: One of the guys that attacked you? Killed you?

O: Yes.

BJ: Is he still alive?

O: Yes.

BJ: Man, we should so go find him and kick his ass.

N,BJ,&R: Heheheheheheh

O: No, I'll get him.

N: How?

O: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1...I'm out...

The planchette then slid across the board out toward the driveway and we got no response for awhile. We talked about what we thought she might be doing, then Nay and I put our fingers back on the planchette and I said aloud.

BJ: Hey, where you at? Yer a ghost it can't take you that long to go kick some ass...

Still no response.

R: Maybe she's busy.

BJ: Yeah I bet she's all enjoying it. Like **arms raised over head** RAAAGAHAHAGAAHAAAAAAAAA YOU KILLED ME YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!

BJ,N,&R: Heheheheheheh...

BJ: Then dude just falls over dead.

BJ,N,&R: Heheheheheheh...

With our hands still on the planchette, it began to move now.

O: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

N: What are you doing?

BJ: She's going back in.

O: I'm back.

We all just kind of looked at each other. I smirked.

BJ: Did you get him?

O: (Moving VERY slowly now, just barely) YES.

BJ: Did that make you tired?

O: Yes.

R: So are you ok now?

O: Tired but happy.

BJ: So what did you do to him?

O: For me to know.


O: Read the paper.

N: **shivers and looks at me**

BJ: For real? It will be in the paper?

O: Yes. Goodbye.

BJ: Goodbye...wow....that was cool. Hey wait! Can we talk to someone else?

The Ouija kept going to goodbye. I think she got VERY tired after doing whatever she did. Then...

O: Wait.

N: Okay.

O: This is Kik0.

R: Hey Kik0, you my dawg you know that right?

O: Yes. H A H A.

BJ: Hey one of the guys I talk to online had a problem and I said for him to try and get your help because you were so powerful, did you help him?

O: No.

BJ: But you know who I'm talking about right?

O: Yes. I'll see what I can do.

BJ: Are these spirits that he talks about, are they really that bad? Are they bothering him that much? Telling him to kill people?

O: Yes.

BJ: Why? Is it because of his age? Because they started on him so young?

O: He is too gullible. Too open minded.

BJ: And they are taking advantage of that? Using him?

O: Yes. I want to play cards, so does Mary. Tarot cards.

BJ: Sorry, I don't have any of those.

O: He does.

BJ: The guy I'm talking about does?

O: Yes. I'll go help and we'll go play. Goodbye.

BJ: Woah...see you later then...well guys, I guess they're off to see my online buddy. Heheheh...

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